DOT updates rules to boost medical tourism

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As the Philippines continues to gain global attention in the field of medical tourism, the Department of Tourism (DOT) has recently released its updated rules and regulations that seek to strengthen the accreditation of dental clinics.

At the onset of her leadership, DOT Secretary Christina Garcia Frasco reaffirmed the DOT’s support for President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr.’s administration’s goal to boost the”¯medical”¯tourism”¯industry in the country by leveraging a strong collaborative approach with stakeholders in aesthetics, aging, and wellness, institutionalizing regulation of this niche market as a “strong growth center” for the country.

DOT Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2024-0001 by Secretary Frasco, identifies dental tourism as a “high-value tourism product worthy of investment and promotion” under the DOT’s Health and Wellness Program, and with the National Tourism Development Plan (NTDP) 2023-2028, the country’s tourism roadmap, recognizing Health and Wellness as one of its niche market portfolios that highlights the long history of the Philippines as a center of medical expertise with its strong foundation in Western medicine, as well as its traditional Filipino healing practices.

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Speaking at the Philippine Dental Association’s Luzon Area Convention Plus held recently at the Philippine International Convention Center, the Tourism Chief rallied support from dental professionals in the DOT’s latest endeavor.

“There are many reasons to love the Philippines. And I am here today to explore with serious consideration, adding to those reasons by aggressively pursuing, in partnership with all of you, the full maximization of dental tourism for the Philippines pursuant to our President’s vision for the Philippines to be a premier dental destination in the world,” Frasco said.

“I am but one of the millions of Filipinos and our friends from all over the world who have benefited from the care and professionalism and expertise of our dentists, dental hygienists, and dental technologists who have shown nothing less than excellence, making us so proud of your profession. The Philippines is renowned for its rich natural landscapes being one of the most megabiodiverse countries in the world. Not only that, we have as well a culture and heritage, diverse identities across our regions that make up the social fabric and the story that is the Filipino,” she added, elaborating how the world-class Filipino brand of service from dental professionals plus award-winning destinations can be a perfect combination in packaging the country as an attractive tourism destination.

According to Global Wellness Institute Top Line data for the Philippines from 2019 to 2022, the country ranked #8 in the Wellness Economy regional ranking and 20th and the Wellness Economy Global ranking. A 2019 study also identified the Philippines is ranked seventh among countries that provide low-cost dental procedures worldwide.

The 12-page memorandum spells out updated accreditation rules, application process, documentary requirements for the voluntary accreditation, schedule of fees and charges, as well as supervision of accredited clinics, denial, cancellation, and suspension or revocation of accreditation.


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