Cemex adopts 50 new hygiene, safety protocols 

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CEMEX has implemented more than 50 new hygiene and safety protocols to minimize the risk of the new coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) contagion in its cement, ready-mix concrete, and aggregates operations.

The company said in a statement its operations are in strict adherence to the authorities´ regulations, recognizing the importance of the construction industry in supporting the maintenance and service of essential infrastructure required to face the pandemic and contribute to the economy in the countries where the company is present.

Cemex’ core businesses of cement, ready-mix concrete, and aggregates have, by nature, a low density of employees in the work area, so the risk of transmission is less probable. However, more than 50 new protocols were implemented to reduce the risk of contagion.

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“Due to this pandemic, we have complemented our existing protocols by developing and implementing special protocols and guidelines to protect our employees, communities, and customers from COVID-19 risk. Additionally, we are constantly updating and improving our protocols to be in line with official health regulations,” said Fernando González, chIef executive officer of Cemex.

The protocols developed by Cemex are based on national and international guidelines established by experts in the field, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), and in strict adherence to local health regulations. Among the protocols implemented are the company’s Personal Hygiene Protocol, Physical Distancing Protocol, Screening at Workplace Protocol, Cemex Truck Drivers Protocol, Workplace Cleaning Protocol, and Commuting To and From Work Protocol, among many others.

Cemex is also leveraging its existing digital technologies to limit physical contact and protect employees, customers, and suppliers.

For example, Cemex´s commercial teams around the world are in constant communication with their clients remotely, effectively leveraging Cemex Go, the company´s digital platform. With Cemex Go, customers can place orders, review their history of transactions, track their shipments in real-time via GPS, receive instant notifications of their order status, evaluate and adjust their orders, request invoicing, and make payments.


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