A few hours after polls closed on election day, there was no question in the minds of Argentines who their next President would be.
Election results had already hit 70 percent by 9 pm. and were still steadily pouring in until midnight. The losing candidate, incumbent Mauricio Macri, had immediately conceded to the winner, Alberto Fernandez, defusing political tensions and paving the way for a peaceful transition of power.
Observers are crediting this record-breaking speed to the new system implemented by the Argentine election commission in partnership with technology company Smartmatic.
Smartmatic CEO Antonio Mugica had expressed satisfaction for his company’s role in the country’s democratic exercise.
“We are honored that Smartmatic’s unmatched election technology has helped Argentine authorities conduct successful elections,” Mugica said, adding that the fast and accurate results “gave peace of mind to political parties and the country in general.”
According to information released by election authorities, voter participation exceeded 80%. Voters chose among four candidates for head of government and six formulas for president and vice president. In eight provinces, 72 candidates vied for senate seats and 595 candidates competed to become deputies at the national level.
Smartmatic provided secure technology for the digitization and transmission of telegrams (election returns), and for the consolidation and publication of results. Just as in the primaries held in August, telegrams were transmitted directly from over 10,000 voting centers to two consolidation centers. Approximately 1,700 operators at the consolidation centers transcribed and loaded into the system the information contained in the telegrams.
“The speed and accuracy with which results were published have deflated the disinformation campaign waged against the technology in social media and other news outlets. The effectiveness of the technology has exposed the black propaganda as lies which were easily debunked,” noted Mugica.
Mugica expressed satisfaction over how Argentines have embraced the innovations that make elections more efficient and more transparent.