IN today’s digital world, businesses and their employees no longer need to give countless hours printing, sorting, and archiving paperwork. Since, all paperwork can be scanned and stored into any available cloud services, where it would not require much physical space and is easier to archive.
Despite the convenience of digitally storing files, using the cloud services can be confusing for some employees, especially when these documents are carelessly added without proper organization. Amid the current COVID-19 outbreak, most employees, who are working remotely at home, also need organized file storage to work efficiently.
Unorganized cloud storage can lead to problems like possible loss of data, duplication of the same file, and mixing the wrong files in the wrong folder. If you are wondering how you can improve on the ways you can keep your cloud storage organized and help employees become productive, then you may consider the following:
One storage for all
Choosing the best cloud storage or software for your files will be vital in keeping all of it organized. It must be able to accommodate large files and other data to make it easier for you, and whoever will access the storage, to look for the files swiftly, create backups, and do archives.
Sort folders logically
Imagine it as having a filing cabinet on your computer, especially given the diversity of documents that you will have in your storage. It is important to sort them accordingly since you do not want to spend around 20 minutes looking for one file, so do a quick scan in your storage and categorize it to its purpose.
Create folders within folders
Another important detail when it comes to sorting your files is creating subfolders within the main ones. For instance, a folder for financial reports will eventually need folders sorted according to year, since it will be updated from time to time. A folder for employee profiles, on the other hand, needs nest folders according to the department they work for or what their professions are to make it easier to manage and update, as well.
Create specific name conventions
When saving new files, particularly scanned ones, your computer will save them with filenames like “Screenshot.pdf,” “200450.JPEG,” or “contract_fb.docx” in your “storage.” Instead of using these default names, it would be better to assign descriptive filenames for easy identification and retrieval, but do not go overboard. It must be simple and neither too long nor confusing.
Cull and back-up files regularly
You will, most likely, find old files in your cloud storage as time passes by. Eventually, your database will need updating on its content, which will lead to files that will not have much use anymore or will be less likely needed. So, try decluttering old files by either putting them in a separate folder or, better yet, move them to another storage to free up space and to avoid confusion for you and your workmates.
Organizing your cloud storage can be tedious and time-consuming, which can lead you to ignore the dull work and look for shortcuts, instead. Luckily, there’s available software that can help you organize your Cloud storage, like Fujitsu’s ScanSnap Cloud.
ScanSnap Cloud is a cloud service feature available on ScanSnap Home, a software specifically designed for ScanSnap scanners that enables you to organize your documents, receipts, business cards, photos, and much more all in one application. ScanSnap Cloud is also only available on ScanSnap iX1500, iX500, and iX100.
ScanSnap Cloud’s unique features allow users to scan the document without the need for a PC and send it to popular Cloud storages. Not only will it automatically send it to your preferred cloud storage, but ScanSnap Cloud also automatically classifies scanned data into four categories: documents, receipts, business cards, and photos.
You can simply set profiles for each category by selecting the cloud service of your choice in ScanSnap Cloud so that it automatically sorts and delivers each piece to its predetermined cloud service.
ScanSnap Cloud also has advanced image optimization functions such as Automatic Color Detection, Automatic Size Detection, Automatic Rotation, and Blank Page Removal that helps free users from the hassle of editing the scanned file before delivering it to the selected cloud storage.
Once you’ve stored the data to your cloud storage, you do not have to worry about looking for the files individually, since ScanSnap Cloud can automatically extract information found on the scanned documents to create unique filenames. This lets you have searchable PDF files in the cloud for easy filing and decluttering.
When it comes to scanning devices, Fujitsu ScanSnap iX Series are great at sorting information. These scanners can help sort all your information–may it be at work or home–in whatever way you want, with just one touch. They also provide other benefits, such as managing business contacts, expenses with receipts, and sharing photos with your colleagues, friends, and family.
The ScanSnap iX Series are among the products offered by Fujitsu Philippines, Inc. With 45 years of local presence and expertise, the company has made Japanese IT design and technology available through its server, storage, and scanning hardware and solutions. The company also offers cloud technology that provides relevant and cost-efficient IT solutions to all organizations of various sizes and needs. To know more about ScanSnap visit Fujitsu Philippines Inc.