BPI MS, the joint venture of the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) and Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company, has hit the 20-year mark of innovating consumer-driven insurance that Filipinos can trust.
BPI MS aims to provide security and”¯protection to as many Filipinos as possible.”¯Going beyond 20 years, BPI MS will be prioritizing initiatives that enable end-to-end contactless customer journeys”¯to”¯reach more clients and to make it convenient for them.
“In 2021, we accelerated our digitalization efforts to connect with more clients amid the pandemic restrictions,” said Taizo Komatsu, BPI MS President and CEO.
Their online sales platform allows clients to conveniently buy insurance policies online.
The BPI MS Accident Secure Max and Hospital Income Protect Plus are also available in their web app for contactless transactions.
For GCash users, the BPI MS motor comprehensive third party liability insurance can be easily accessed via the GCash app.
BPI MS clients enjoy digital payment methods for their premium payments that can be paid via GCash, PayMaya and the Bayad App.
Clients can also submit their motor insurance claims faster with the motor claims video chat tool allowing contactless inspection of damaged vehicles through mobile phones and tablets.
BPI MS offers microinsurance that provides cash assistance to the lower income classes during calamities through BPI BanKO. More products for micro-depositors are being developed to accelerate financial inclusion activities.