By Helen Coster
A decision by Hallmark Channel last week to pull advertisements featuring same-sex couples has prompted reactions from thousands of Twitter users as well as comedian Ellen DeGeneres, California Governor Gavin Newsom and streaming company Netflix.
Under pressure from the conservative group One Million Moms, the Hallmark Channel pulled ads from the wedding registry and planning website Zola that feature two brides kissing at the altar.
The One Million Moms website says the group has “personally spoken with Crown Family Networks CEO Bill Abbott” who confirmed Hallmark pulled the commercial and said the advertisement aired in error.
Crown Media Family Networks, the parent company of Hallmark Channel, did not immediately reply to a Reuters request for comment.
In an email to Reuters on Sunday, a Hallmark Channel spokeswoman wrote: “Crown Media Family Networks made the decision to pull the commercials. The debate surrounding these commercials on all sides was distracting from the purpose of our network, which is to provide entertainment value.”
On Saturday, Ellen DeGeneres tweeted to her 79.1 million followers: “Isn’t it almost 2020? @hallmarkchannel, @billabbottHC… what are you thinking? Please explain. We’re all ears.”
The Netflix US Twitter account tweeted: “Titles Featuring Lesbians Joyfully Existing And Also It’s Christmas Can We Just Let People Love Who They Love” above the titles and images from the Netflix film “Let It Snow” and sitcom “Merry Happy Whatever,” which feature lesbian characters.
Newsom tweeted a link to the ad, with the message “Same-sex marriage is the law of the land. There is no one way to love and be loved.”
Saturday Night Live also weighed in with a skit about a fictitious Hallmark Channel matchmaking show, which ended with comedian Aidy Bryant’s character saying: “This is
Emily Cringle for Hallmark, reminding you to stay straight out there.”
On Dec. 2, Zola began airing six ads on Hallmark, four of which featured a lesbian couple.
On Dec. 11 Crown Media notified Zola those four ads would no longer be airing, with the explanation that Crown Media is “not allowed to accept creatives that are deemed controversial.”
Zola then pulled its remaining ads from Hallmark, according to a Zola executive.
“The only difference between the commercials that were flagged and the ones that were approved was that the commercials that did not meet Hallmark’s standards included a lesbian couple kissing,” wrote Mike Chi, Zola’s chief marketing officer, in a statement.
The #BoycottHallmarkChannel hashtag was featured in over 16,000 tweets as of Sunday afternoon. — Reuters