TWO-TIME Olympian pole vaulter Ernest John Obiena yesterday belied reports (not in Malaya-Business Insight) that he had made comments on the personal life of Paris Olympics double gold medalist Carlos Edriel Yulo.
“I have never made a single comment regarding Caloy’s private life and I never shall. Any assertion is outright libel,” Obiena said on his Facebook and Instagram accounts.
“I know when to keep my mouth shut; and when it comes to anyone’s private life this is one of those times,” the athlete added, saying” “I am friends with Caloy and have been for many years. And for decades to come.
“I don’t compete with my friend Caloy and deeply respect him. He is a great champion for our country and I applaud him and I am proud of him. I am thankful for the glory he has brought to our country.”
He said that he tried to keep his peace and not to dip into the private issues involving the gymnast and his family but felt compelled to speak out after hearing reports quoting him regarding the controversy.
“It’s a sad state of affairs when stories are fabricated to get clicks and likes and shares. Journalism is a noble profession and driven by facts. It is a shame it is sometimes abused,” Obiena observed.
On the same token, he said that “I don’t comment on my private life and I certainly don’t want outsiders commenting on it. That’s why it’s called ‘Private life.’ It’s personal and nobody else’s business.
“That’s it. Thank you and I shall have no further comment on the matter. I am focused on getting ready for the upcoming season. Let’s focus on cheering our athletes on, instead of creating false drama to sell advertising space.”