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‘Almost facing certain shutdown in the 2020 national elections, the administration will most likely try every means possible to stay in power, including very unpopular and extra-Constitutional exercises that may lead to political upheavals.’

THE more astute President Fidel Ramos had tried it but backed off after a storm of protests from lawmakers and civic groups scuttled his allies’ plans to extend his term. The media tore into any social, moral or political justification with “hammer and tongs” erected by the leading proponents of the no-election scenario led by then House Speaker Jose De Venecia.

Almost facing certain shutdown in the 2020 national elections, the administration will most likely try every means possible to stay in power, including very unpopular and extra-Constitutional exercises that may lead to political upheavals.

With the House of Representatives, the Senate along with the Supreme Court virtually controlled by Malacanang, President Duterte can again run roughshod on the Constitution.

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The moral, social, civil and legal defenses of the citizenry will be hugely threatened that should now compel this so-called Christian country to turn “inward” for refuge and protection. Coming together in prayer and fasting in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, may indeed be the only way while setting aside denominational and doctrinal differences.


Evangelist Darren Canning writes about the “coming rains of revival and a wild army rising.” He shares a vivid dream of today’s young leaders who are vastly different from us.

Canning sees “a wild army rising as a generation that didn’t seem to be concerned with what people thought. They were not very old and most of them were not Caucasians; they were from different nations rising, and many of them were Africans. They were young and they were very strong. They were overcomers by the power of the Blood of the Lamb. They were singing in unison as they marched in power.”

“I heard them singing over and over, ‘We are the revolution!’ They were singing to the drug addicts. They were singing to the broken people. They were singing in great strength. They were marching on the outside of society but singing straight at it. Whoever witnessed them was witnessing invigorating humanity with great strength to live a full life. I saw them sitting with the very broken; they were going into dark places’ risking their lives against spiritual forces that didn’t seem to dismay them.

“In one scene I saw them and myself, sitting with a young man who was the leader of a gang. He was completely addicted to the strongest drugs that I have ever seen. There was no way in the natural that he was ever going to be free from these narcotics. He said there was no way for him to be free. As I looked into the mixture that was entering into his blood I knew he was speaking the truth. His blood did not look like blood but it had changed like a mixture you would see in a science experiment. Suddenly, I gave a living hope-filled word to his man. I heard myself say to him a couple of times, “You are right, impossible for man, but not with God.”


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