‘Sadly, in our quantum reality today, ‘narcissistic dilettantes wield great power in a catastrophic government of egotists and charlatans.’’
IN our quantum reality, humans have had the choice to “breathe the healthy vivifying atmosphere of truth and moral virtue or the disease-laden and often fatal air of error and corruption.” [http://www.ibiblio.org/pha/policy/1941/1941-06-01a.html].
This choice was palpable in June of 1941 when the Fallschirmjäger spearheaded Unternehmen Merkur at the Battle of Crete and the village of Kandanos was completely destroyed by the III Battalion of the 1st Air Landing Assault Regiment upon the orders of Generaloberst Kurt Student and when the collaborationist French Vichy regime passed its second Statut des Juifs enabling the removal of Jews from industry, business, and liberal professions.
On the other hand: “The Japanese ship ‘Hikawa Maru’ set sail from Yokohoma, Japan, on 5 June 1941, for Canada. On board were Jewish refugees escaping the Nazis, including the family of Zerah Warhaftig, later Knesset member and Israel Prize laureate…They docked in Vancouver on 17 June 1941. Warhaftig, his wife and son reached the USA, where they lived for six years, during which time they had three more children.” [https://www.yadvashem.org/holocaust/this-month/june/1941.html]
This choice was blatant when Hirohito reviewed Japanese troops in Tokyo in June 1941 (https://www.airforcemag.com/article/0609invasion/) and Hitlerism flavored events in the Middle East: “In June 1941, in the aftermath of the defeat of the pro-Nazi Iraqi regime, an anti-Jewish attack broke out in Baghdad during the Jewish festival of Shavuot (which) celebrates the harvest and the giving of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. However, the Shavuot of 1941 was unlike any other holiday in the millennia of Iraqi Jewish experience, and it proved to be a turning point for this community. In 1941, the Farhud, an unprecedented anti-Jewish outbreak of violence, forever ended the comfort, safety, and continuity of Iraqi Jewry. Following the collapse of a short-lived pro-Nazi government and before British forces entered Baghdad, violent rioting ensued. From June 1 to 2, 1941…great numbers of Jewish homes and businesses were looted and destroyed.” [https://www.archives.gov/exhibits/ija/exhibit/after-millenia]
It was nearly Year 3 of World War II and many bystanders and innocents were “overcome by the dust and dirt carried by whirlwind of the anti-Christian or non-Christian spirit” of the Shintoists, the Nazis, the Fascists. [Pope Pius XII, “The Individual Right Cannot In Any Way Be Suppressed,” Broadcast from Rome, 01 June 1941].
The Axis of Evil had momentum and the Americans (who were not yet combatants) warned that should the French Government at Vichy adopt the policy of “collaboration with other powers for the purpose of aggression and oppression,” then “it would at once place France in substantial political and military subservience.” [Secretary Of State Cordell Hull, Statement On Relations With The French Republic, Department of State Bulletin, 07 June 1941]
Hitler himself was pushing beyond the borders of the legal and the moral with his Kommissarbefehl: “In the battle against Bolshevism, the adherence of the enemy to the principles of humanity or international law is not to be counted upon…The troops must be aware that In this battle mercy or considerations of international law is false. They are a danger to our own safety and to the rapid pacification of the conquered territories.” Thus: political commissars “are, when captured in battle, as a matter of routine, to be dispatched by firearms.” [German High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht), Richtlinien fí¼r die Behandlung politischer Kommissare, 06 June 1941]
Such “Guidelines in Special Areas to Instructions No. 21 (Case Barbarossa)” were integral to the scheduled Nazi invasion of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Before the end of June (1941), the Soviets would share the fate of the Greeks, who “although oppressed under the yoke of the enemy, do not hesitate to proudly face the conqueror.” In fact, Greek Premier Emmanuel Tsouderos (broadcasting from Alexandria, Egypt, 05 June 1941) told the world: “Now that the battle of Crete is at an end and the forces of darkness have extinguished the light of freedom from one end of Greece to the other, the admiration of the entire civilized world…are turned toward our heroes and our martyrs…and from the ashes of the struggle in Albania, in Thrace and in Crete the Phoenix of Greek liberty will revive once again.” [http://www.ibiblio.org/pha/policy/1941/410605a.html]
The readiness to fight the enemy for the liberation of Hellas should have been a harsh lesson for the paisanos of Jose Rizal whose government in that same month could only come up with “An Act To Punish Espionage And Other Offenses Against The National Security.” [https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/1941/06/04/commonwealth-act-no-616/]
These Filipinos (majority were supposedly Roman Catholics) were expected to seriously ponder the warning of the Bishop of Rome: “What problems and what particular undertakings, some perhaps entirely novel, our social life will present to the care of the Church at the end of this conflict, which sets so many peoples against one another, it is difficult at the moment to trace or foresee.”
“If, however, the future has its roots in the past, if the experience of recent years is to be our guide for the future, we feel we may avail ourselves of this commemoration (Rerum novarum) to give some further directive moral principles on three fundamental values of social and economic life (the use of material goods, labor and the family); and we shall do this animated by the very spirit of Leo XIII and unfolding his views which were more than prophetic, presaging the social revolution of the day.” [Pope Pius XII, “The Individual Right Cannot In Any Way Be Suppressed,” Broadcast from Rome, 01 June 1941]
This tracing of the future was also eerily channeled by the First Lady of USA: “I have just received a most interesting translation, made by a friend from the old French. It is a prophecy written in medieval times by St. Odile. It begins: ‘Listen, listen, oh my brothers, for I have seen the terrors of forest and mountains. The unbelievable has frozen the people. The time has come when Germany will be considered the most belligerent nation of the world.’ It continues to describe the periods, first, second and third, of a great war in which 20 nations are involved and, in the end, it says: ‘All the plundered nations will recover what they have lost and more…for the men will have seen such abominations in this war that their generations will want no more of this forever…for on that day the frightened men will truly adore God, and the sun will shine with unaccustomed brilliance.’ Curious, isn’t it?” [My Day by Eleanor Roosevelt, June 4, 1941]
Sadly, in our quantum reality today, “narcissistic dilettantes wield great power in a catastrophic government of egotists and charlatans.”