JUSTICE Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla has touted the idea of including policemen under witness protection program amid the controversy behind the government’s bloody drug war in the past six years.
Secretary Remulla even expressed his openness to give policemen new identities, financial support and even housing abroad if they would testify against wrongdoings of their fellow cops who may have committed abuses and violations of human rights in the campaign against illegal drugs. This includes crimes such as kidnapping, murder, and robbery, which are unrelated to illegal drugs.
‘Including cops in the government’s witness protection program is a better alternative than speeches that offer them nothing, or worse, urging them to commit violations
which later would land them in jail.’
The government’s official statistics show that more than 6,000 suspected drug pushers and users were killed during the aggressive campaign against illegal drugs, excluding children who were accidentally shot dead in police operations.
Thousands more died at the hands of drug-war inspired vigilante groups, which critics said, also include policemen.
Expectedly, the Philippine National Police (PNP) has expressed support over the move to include policemen in the government’s witness protection program.
PNP chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. said the amendment of the Republic Act No. 6981 or “The Witness Protection, Security and Benefit Act” will provide the necessary support system for any policeman who may be called to testify especially in government-initiated investigations.
Many cops were indicted for human rights violations in the drug war, but only a handful were convicted, including at least two Caloocan City cops who were found to have executed Kian delos Santos.
These cop-convicts might have believed former President Rodrigo Duterte who urged them to “kill, kill, kill” the pushers and drug lords and he will offer his life to defend them or be in prison with them. Now, these cops realized that it was just a figure of speech from a boastful president, much like riding a jet ski to the disputed South China Sea.
Including cops in the government’s witness protection program is a better alternative than speeches that offer them nothing, or worse, urging them to commit violations which later would land them in jail.