OPERATIVES of the PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group arrested last Saturday night in Manila a 32-year-old man for raping a 14-year-old girl he met and blackmailed on Facebook.
The ACG identified the suspect as Junellee Talisan De Guzman, who is facing charges for statutory rape, child abuse, grave coercion, grave threat, and child pornography under the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012.
ACG spokeswoman Lt. Michelle Sabino said De Guzman was nabbed at around 8:45 p.m. at the Balay sa Ciudad Lodging House on Quezon Boulevard in Quiapo, Manila.
Sabino said the victim met the suspect, who used the picture of a handsome man as his profile pic, on Facebook. “This aroused the interest of the minor and subsequently, exchanges of messages followed,” said Sabino.
She said the suspect eventually got hold of the victim’s nude pictures and videos “which he used to blackmail her (victim) if she does not agree to meet up and have sex with him,” Sabino said.
Sabino said the suspect raped the victim last August 13.
Last August 27, Sabino said the suspect again contacted the victim for another meet-up and sexual activity.
“The minor, petrified of her previous ordeal with the suspect, sought the help of the authorities which led to the arrest of the sexual predator,” said Sabino.