PROMDI presidential candidate Sen. Manny Pacquiao yesterday urged the courts to step up proceedings in the drug cases against fellow Sen. Leila de Lima, saying the case should be resolved soon.
At the same time, he underscored the need to provide greater financial support to the judiciary to enable it to address delays and backlogs through automation and additional manpower.
Pacquiao admitted he finds the court processes on De Lima’s case too “sluggish” as he noted that the opposition lawmaker remains in detention while trial is ongoing.
He likewise pointed out that De Lima’s trial has caught the attention of the international community and is causing embarrassment to the country as it highlights delays in case resolution.
“My personal view is that our judiciary badly needs help. The judicial systems has a minuscule budget which does not allow much leeway for improvement. That’s why it needs more support from government,” he said.
Pacquiao said the case of De Lima exposed new controversies after key witnesses for the prosecution who initially implicated her in the drug trade recanted their testimonies.
Shortly after the recantation of self-confessed drug trader Kerwin Espinosa, former Bureau of Corrections officer-in-charge Rafael Ragos executed an affidavit declaring that he made false allegations against De Lima.
Ragos’ original testimony was used by the prosecution to build the case against De Lima.
Espinosa and Ragos claimed they were coerced into pinning De Lima on drug charges.
Pacquiao nonetheless said he is not prepared to accord full faith on the recantation of Ragos and Espinosa.
“In my view, their credibility is shot because of their changing narratives. How can you tell which tale to believe now?” he said.
Regardless of the issue of credibility of the witnesses, however, he said it would be in the interest of the detained senator and the government that the case be resolved with dispatch.