REP. Rodolfo Ordanes (PL, Senior Citizens) yesterday filed a resolution calling for an investigation into the alleged improper implementation of senior citizens and persons with disabilities (PWD) discounts by Grab and other ride-hailing and food delivery companies.
Ordanes filed House Resolution No. 2134 urging the appropriate House committee to look into complaints that Grab and other Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) are passing on to their drivers the burden of shouldering the 20 percent discount for senior citizens and PWDs, which he said is a clear violation of the policies of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB).
“This conduct by ride-hailing and food delivery applications is utterly deplorable, as it constitutes criminal and exploitative behavior,” said Ordanes, adding that he wants the companies suspended if found guilty.
During a recent hearing of the House Committee on Public Services, Gregorio Ramon Tingson, Grab’s Head of Public Affairs, said their drivers are shouldering the 20 percent discount given to persons with disabilities, senior citizens, and students.
Tingson said the policy is based on Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board’s Memorandum Circular 2018-004 but LTFRB chair Teofilo Guadiz disputed the claim, saying that under their franchise, the Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) should shoulder the discount.
Guadiz has vowed to investigate the matter, warning that if violations would be confirmed, Grab’s franchise could be canceled.
“May I request a statement from the drivers, and we will give them a show cause (order), and if the evidence warrants, we will issue an appropriate suspension of their franchise,” he said.