THE Senate Committee on Public Order and Dangerous Drugs has recommended that policemen be allowed to randomly inspect and verify the identities of foreigners passing through its “Oplan Sita” checkpoints as a precautionary measure to prevent kidnapping and the commission of other crimes in the country perpetrated by and victimizing foreign nationals.
Committee report no. 370 filed by Sen. Ronald dela Rosa on Tuesday was a result of several hearings conducted in relation to several resolutions filed by senators who wanted an explanation to the “alarming cases of kidnapping, abduction disappearances” and other crimes committed by local criminals and those who run Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators (POGOs).
“To add to the fear and anxiety being disseminated to the public by the news, a number of similar cases also became a subject of concern in relation to the Philippines Offshore Gaming Operators (POGO) employees wherein videos of Chinese nationals who are allegedly working for POGOs became victims of kidnapping, torture, and murder, among others,” the committee report said.
The random check on foreigners, especially in kidnapping-prone areas, was among the committee’s recommendations.
Also included in the recommended actions by the panel is for the Department of Justice, in coordination with the Bureau of Immigration to “ensure the speedy deportation of Chinese nationals who violated our immigration and criminal laws;” for the BI to thoroughly study the approval of working visa applications of foreigners who intend to work in local industries; and to ensure close coordination between concerned agencies for data sharing.
It also proposed that the Department of Labor and Employment “diligently exercise” its visitorial powers and the regular conduct of inspections in firm registered with the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation to determine compliance with labor standards and occupational safety requirements, and for the PNP and DOJ to file the appropriate charges against individuals identified in the kidnapping and/or torture of foreign workers.
To prevent language barrier, the panel said PNP personnel assigned in anti-kidnapping operations should undergo language training courses.
For legislative actions, the committee suggested that the Committee on Ways and Means tackle the proposal of Sen. Joel Villanueva to prohibit all forms of online gambling in the country.
“Congress should also review the implementation of the firearms law to ensure that foreigners would not be able to hold and use firearms,” the panel added.
“The Committee would like to believe that the lives and safety of our fellow Filipinos will always outweigh the revenues that POGOs bring. Ironically, Filipinos are not allowed to work and bet on POGOs, and yet, criminality does not discriminate among nationalities,” it added.