Majority of Pinoys give admin thumbs-upon disaster response, improving education

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MAJORITY of Filipinos are satisfied with the way the Marcos administration is addressing the issues of helping victims of disasters, improving education quality, helping the poor, job generation policies, and developing Science and technology, the fourth quarter survey of the Social Weather Stations (SWS) showed.

But the survey, which involved 2,160 adults nationwide with a margin of error of ±2 percent, showed that the Marcos government continued to score negative satisfaction ratings on the issues of inflation, fighting graft and corruption, and ensuring that oil companies do not take advantage of oil prices.

The survey also showed the Marcos government sustaining its “good” +36 net satisfaction rating (59 percent satisfied, 23 percent satisfied) in December, unchanged from September (60 percent satisfied, 24 percent satisfied).  

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SWS defines the net satisfaction ratings as “excellent” for +70 and above, “very good” if between +50 to +69, “good” if between +30 to +49, “moderate” if between +10 to +29, “neutral” if between +9 to -9, “poor” if between -10 to -29, “bad” if between -30 to -49, “very bad” if between -50 to -69, and “execrable” if -70 and below.

The polling firm said the administration scored its highest net satisfaction rating in the rest of Luzon and the Visayas at +44 each (down from +46 and up from +36, respectively), followed by the National Capital Region at +32 (from+32) and Mindanao at +16 (down from +23).

It also improved its net satisfaction score among women at +36 (up from +33) but scored a lower net rating of +35 (from +39) among men. 


SWS said the administration scored a “very good” net satisfaction rating on five issues, “good” in 7 areas, moderate in one subject, “neutral” on three issues, and “poor” in one subject.

Based on its “Governance Report Card,” the Marcos government obtained majority satisfaction in the areas of helping victims of disasters at +65 (78 percent satisfied, 13 percent dissatisfied) up from +63 in September; and improving the quality of children’s education unchanged at +60 (74 percent satisfied, 14 percent dissatisfied).

It also received majority ratings on the issues of helping the poor at +57 (74 percent satisfied, 17) up from +51; creating policies that will generate job opportunities at +51 (68 percent satisfied, 17 percent dissatisfied) up from +44; and developing Science and technology at +51 (66 percent satisfied, 16 percent dissatisfied) up from +47.

The administration scored “good” net satisfaction ratings on implementing housing programs for the poor at+49 (68 percent satisfied, 19 percent dissatisfied) from +47; ensuring food security at +46 (66 percent satisfied, 20 percent dissatisfied) up from +39; and ensuring an efficient public transportation system at +45 (65 percent satisfied, 20 percent dissatisfied) up from +39.

It also received “good” ratings on being prepared for strong typhoons at +44 (65 percent satisfied, 21 percent dissatisfied) up from +33; preparing for problems being caused by climate change at +38 (61 percent satisfied, 22 percent dissatisfied) up from +25; telling the truth to the people +34 (58 percent satisfied, 24 percent dissatisfied); and defending Philippine sovereignty in the West Philippine Sea at +32 (58 percent satisfied, 25 percent dissatisfied) up from +25.

SWS said the administration got a “moderate” net satisfaction rating on the issue of ensuring that no family will ever be hungry and have nothing to eat at +26 (65 percent satisfied, 28 percent dissatisfied) up from +21; and “neutral” net scores on fighting crimes that victimize ordinary citizens, like killings, holdups, robberies, physical violence, etc. at +4 (44 percent satisfied, 40 percent dissatisfied) from +2.

The government also continued to score negative net satisfaction rating on the issues of ensuring that oil companies do not take advantage of oil prices at a “neutral” -2 (38 percent satisfied, 40 percent dissatisfied) up from -5; and eradicating graft and corruption at a “neutral” -3 (39 percent satisfied, 42 percent dissatisfied) from -4.

It also retained a “poor” net satisfaction rating in fighting inflation at -12 (37 percent satisfied, 48 percent dissatisfied) which improved from -17.


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