THE Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) yesterday warned aspiring overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) to be vigilant against those engaged in “third country recruitment” which is considered illegal.
In a statement, the DMW said the public must be wary of those engaged in “third country recruitment” schemes proliferating on social media.
“The DMW urges OFWs and would-be OFWs to be more cautious against dubious overseas job offers on social media platforms,” said the DMW.
“Recruitment through a third country is considered illegal recruitment if neither the recruiter nor the employer has proper authorization from the Philippine government,” it added.
The Department issued the renewed warning after receiving reports from the Philippine Embassy in Abuja, Nigeria of possible third-country recruitment involving Filipino workers to Nigeria and other countries in West Africa.
The DMW said the OFWs were reportedly recruited to travel to Nigeria from Dubai, United Arab Emirates by using tourist visas and were made to believe their permits would be processed upon their arrival in Nigeria.
It said the Nigerian government does not allow the conversion of tourist visas for employment.
To work in Nigeria, the DMW said one must first secure a Subject to Regularization (STR) visa from the Nigerian Embassy in the Philippines.
Instead of patronizing such job offers, the DMW urged the public to report suspicious activities about illegal recruitment and human trafficking schemes to the DMW Migrant Workers Protection Bureau.
“Immediately report any suspicious recruitment activities to the respective Migrant Workers Office and Philippine Embassy that has the jurisdiction over their job site,” said the DMW.