CSC assures govt workers of support in fight vs cancer

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THE Civil Service Commission (CSC) and Department of Health (DOH) yesterday reminded government employees that a support mechanism is now in place for cancer prevention, treatment, and recovery.

CSC chairperson Marilyn Yap assured workers in the government sector that facing the dreaded disease and its impact on their jobs and families need no longer be a lonely fight.

Under a CSC Resolution No. 2400721 or the Workplace Cancer Control Policy in the Public Sector, and Republic Act No. 11215 (the National Integrated Cancer Control Act), benefits and support have been made available.

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The cancer control measures include free cancer risk assessment, prevention, early detection, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care in government workplaces.

RA No. 11215 likewise provides employees access to affordable and quality cancer treatment, with additional financial assistance through PhilHealth.

“Cancer is not just a health issue – it’s a workplace and societal challenge that we must face together. Through these policies, we are creating an environment where no government employee has to feel alone in their fight against cancer,” Yap said.

To avail of assistance and benefits, a government employee needs only to submit to the human resources (HR) officer a valid medical certificate confirming diagnosis or risk, his/her PhilHealth membership, and medical records.

The program also entails participation by the government employee in a cancer control program provided by the employer agency.

Employees are advised to contact their agency’s HR officer for guidance on accessing workplace programs.

As for cases requiring specialized care, the DOH or the nearest Philippine Cancer Center or regional cancer center can provide services.

Yap said all government agencies are encouraged to implement workplace cancer control policies and ensure employees are informed of their programs.


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