TWO New People’s Army (NPA) rebels were killed in a firefight with government forces yesterday morning in Catubig, Northern Samar.
The Army’s 8th Infantry Division (ID) said the clash occurred after the military received information from civilians about the presence of NPA rebels who were allegedly “extorting and intimidating farmers in the area.”
Troops from the 803rd Brigade were sent to the hinterlands of Barangay Sulitan to verify the report, leading to the firefight, said 8th ID spokesman Capt. Jefferson Mariano.
Mariano said the rebels retreated after several minutes of firefight, leaving behind their two dead comrades.
Brig. Gen. Perfecto Peñaredondo, 8th ID commander, reiterated the military’s commitment to maintaining peace and order in Northern Samar even as he urged the remaining rebels to surrender.
Peñaredondo said the rebels have nowhere to go, adding the insurgents no longer enjoy the support of the people.
He said people are actively reporting the presence of NPA rebels to authorities.
“The government forces will never cease in the fight to completely eradicate the insurgents in the region,” said Peñaredondo.
“With the help and support of the local chief executives and the community, through the whole-of-nation approach, we will be able to realize the people’s aspirations for attaining socio-economic development in the region,” he added.