Duterte signs 12 bills into laws

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PRESIDENT Duterte signed 12 bills into law this month, including the renewal of Air Philippines’ franchise, regulations strengthening the egg and abaca industry, as well as the vintage and electric vehicles sector in the country.

Malacanang released yesterday copies of Republic Acts (RA) 11682, 11683, 11689, 11690, 11692, 11693, 11694 and 11695 that were all signed into law by the President on April 11; RAs 11697, 11698 and 11700 that were all signed on April 15; and RA 11707 that was signed into law on April 17.

They become effective 15 days after publication in the Official Gazette or two national dailies.

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RA 11682 renewed the franchise granted to Air Philippines Corp. that operates and maintains the air transport services of AirPhil Express, PAL Express and Philippine Airlines for another 25 years.

It also directs the franchise holder to secure the necessary certificates, permits and licenses for operations from the Civil Aeronautics Board and Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines and to ensure their accessories and equipment are “at all times airworthy” and their crew licensed.

RA 11683 amends the Local Government Code of the Philippines to include the requisites for the conversion of a municipality into a component city such as a P100 million income for the last consecutive two years as certified by the Department of Finance (DOF); a contiguous territory of at least 100 square kilometers as certified by the Land Management Bureau; and a population of 150,000 inhabitants as certified by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).

A municipality with an average annual income of P400 million for the least two consecutive years, a population of at least 100,000 people and a territory of at least 100 square kilometers may also be converted into a component city provided that its income of P400 million increases by five percent every three years.

RA 11697 or the Electric Vehicle Industry Development Act aims to help ensure energy security and independence by reducing resilience on imported fuel for vehicles; provide an enabling environment for the development and use of electric vehicles; promote and support innovation of a clean, sustainable and efficient energy by using low emission and alternative energy technologies; protect the health and well-being of people from pollution and greenhouse effects; and promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization among others.

It also provides the establishment of a “Comprehensive Roadmap for the Electric Vehicle Industry (CREVI) and identifies the role of each government agencies such as the Department of Energy, Department of Transportation, Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Public Works and Highways and Department of Science and Technology, among others, to promote the use of electric vehicles and develop the electric vehicle industry.

It also requires industrial or commercial companies such as cargo, food delivery and tourism companies; public transport operators; national and local government agencies, and government owned or controlled corporations to include electric vehicles in their fleet equivalent to at least five percent of their fleet, regardless if they are owned or leased.

RA 11698 or the Vintage Vehicle Regulation Act aims to foster the preservation, enrichment and dynamic evolution of the Filipino culture such as those represented in the vintage motor vehicles, as well as make the country more competitive in the restoration and preservation of vintage vehicle international markets.

The law states that the “preservation of vintage vehicles is in accord with the policy of the State to preserve its heritage and patrimony” and that the government “recognizes the large and expanding international markets for the restoration of these vintage vehicles.”

The President also signed RA 11707 into law declaring San Jose, Batangas as the “Egg Basket of the Philippines;” RA 11700 declaring Catanduanes as the “Abaca Capital of the Philippines;” RA 11695 that amended and revised the “Tarlac State University Charter,” RA 11694 that revised and amended the “Batangas State University Charter,” and RA 11689 that revised and amended the “Charter of the City of Baguio.”


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