Double pay today

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EMPLOYEES reporting for work today, a regular holiday nationwide, are entitled to double pay, according to the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).

Based on Labor Advisory No. 16-2022, DOLE said that for work rendered during regular holidays, the employee shall be paid a total of 200 percent of his/her wage for that day for the first eight hours, and an additional 30 percent of his/her hourly rate for overtime work.

For work done during a regular holiday that also falls on his/her rest day, he/she shall be paid an additional 30 percent of his/her basic wage of 200 percent; and an additional 30 percent of his/her hourly rate on said day for overtime work.

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On the other hand, if the employee did not work today, he/she shall still be paid 100 percent of his/her wage for that day, said DOLE.

Under Proclamation No. 1236, August 29 has been declared as the National Heroes Day.


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