DOLE sets pay rules for work on stormy days

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PRIVATE sector employees who brave storms and wade through floods to get to work are set to get their full salary even if they go to work for merely six hours as the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) issues the pay rules for work on days with weather disturbances and similar incidents.

“If worked, the employee is entitled to full regular pay, provided that he/she has rendered work for not less than six hours,” said Labor Advisory No. 17-2022.

“If less than six hours of work, the employee shall only be entitled to the proportionate amount of the regular pay, without prejudice to existing company policy or practice more beneficial to the employee,” it added.

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In addition, the DOLE urged employers to consider offering extra incentives to their workers to encourage them to report for work even amid inclement weather.

“To alleviate the plight of employees during weather disturbances and similar occurrences, employers may provide extra incentives or benefits to employees, who reported to work on the said days,” said DOLE.

On the other hand, if the employee did not go to work, he or she won’t be entitled to regular pay.

“(That is) except when there is a favorable company policy, practice, or collective bargaining agreement granting payment of wages on the said day or when the employee is allowed to utilize his/her accrued leave credits,” noted DOLE.

Similarly, the department said such workers must have no liability in case of failure or refusal to work.

“Employees who fail or refuse to work by reason of imminent danger resulting from weather disturbances and similar occurrences shall not be subject to any administrative sanction,” the labor department stressed.

It also said employers in the private sector may suspend work to ensure the safety and health of their employees during weather disturbances and similar occurrences in the exercise of management prerogative and in coordination with the safety and health committee, or safety officer, or any other responsible company officer.


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