OPERATIVES of the PNP Anti-Kidnapping Group arrested a dismissed police officer involved in a string of criminal offenses, including the kidnapping and robbery of Bureau of Internal Revenues officials, during an operation in Sta. Maria, Bulacan last Monday.
Brig. Gen. Jonnel Estomo, PNP-AKG director, identified the cop as PO3 Allan Encina Formilleza, formerly assigned with the Quezon City Police District but was dismissed from the service in April 2019 for going Absent Without Leave.
Estomo said his men received information that Formilleza was sighted in Las Palmas Subdivision in Barangay Caypombo and was arrested while driving a tricycle. He did not resist arrest.
He said Formilleza is the subject of arrest warrants issued by the local courts for murder, estafa, and theft. He said the dismissed cop was also involved in the kidnapping and robbery of BIR officials the past years. Police have recorded 15 kidnappings of BIR officials from 2013 to 2019.
Records showed Formilleza was one of four cops charged with the killing of three men and seriously hurting another in Payatas, QC during the height of Oplan Tokhang in August 2016.
Estomo said Formilleza was also involved in the illegal activities of the Gapos Gang group, a name given by the police to members of a group that hogtie their victims while robbing their homes of valuables.