AN official of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) yesterday called on teachers to help fight the prevailing culture of misinformation by teaching history.
In a radio interview, CBCP-Episcopal Commission on Catechesis and Catholic Education Chairman Bishop Jose Elmer Mangalinao said teachers should help educate students with the truth, not with falsehood and gossip.
“The teachers are much needed for students to learn what is right as well as to fight misinformation,” said Mangalinao. “Let us open our students to the value of history as it can help shape their future and stop the gossip, which are pure lies.”
The prelate said the teachers must take advantage of the return of face-to-face classes to better educate students on truth and history.
“They should be more open for these renewed opportunities to educate, guide, and share their opinions to the youth,” said Mangalinao.
In a related development, Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples Prefect Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle strongly urged students to take their studies seriously.
In his homily during Mass at the Manila Cathedral, the Vatican-based Tagle said students must keep their focus on their studies if they are to achieve their goal of graduating.
“As a student, what should be your goal? To graduate. That should be your pathway,” said Tagle.
This, he said, means that students must choose to close the “pathways” to watching movies, chatting online for hours, and being updated with fashion, among others.
“You should close the gates to other matters. You limit your ‘pathways,’ but you will be able to graduate,” he said. Tagle’s mass in Manila marks the first time he visited the country after his name was mentioned as a possible successor to Pope Francis.