5th batch of OFWs back from Israel, 6th arriving today

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THE Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) yesterday said 42 more Filipino workers are set to arrive today from war-torn Israel.

Yesterday, 22 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) and an infant arrived from Israel via Etihad Airways flight EY 424, at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport.

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The 22 comprise the fifth batch of repatriated OFWs.

“Nineteen of the returning OFWs are caregivers while the remaining three are hotel workers,” said DMW officer-in-charge Undersecretary Hans Leo Cacdac

Included in the fifth batch are the remains of OFW Mary Grace Prodigo-Cabrera. Her sister, Mary June Prodigo, is also part of the latest group of returnees.

Mary Grace is one of four Filipino caregivers who died during the attacks staged by the militant Hamas group in Israel on October 7.

Israeli Ambassador Ilan Fluss, who was among officials at the arrival ceremonies yesterday, expressed “sincere condolences and sympathy” to Cabrera’s family.

“At the same time, I would like to thank her for dedicating her life serving and protecting her Israeli employer. Israelis consider all the OFWs who were murdered by Hamas as heroes. They are now forever part of our family,” Fluss said, referring to the 1,400 others who have been killed in the Hamas attack.

The envoy said Cabrera’s family will receive lifetime benefits and assistance from the Israeli government.

Cabrera and her 96-year-old employer Aviva Sela were killed when Hamas members stormed into Kibbutz Beeri. Several hundred members of the said kibbutz were also killed in the attack.

Cabrera’s sister, Mary June Prodigo, was a survivor of the attack on the same kibbutz, where they were both working as caregivers.

Aside from Cabrera, the three other Filipinos killed in the attack were Angelyn Aguirre, Loreta Alacre and Paul Vincent Castelvi.

Meanwhile, two other Filipinos identified as Noralin Babadilla and Gelienor Pacheco remained missing, and are feared abducted and taken by Hamas to Gaza.

Fluss said the Israeli government is working hard not only to destroy Hamas but to bring back all the hostages safely.

“We will bring the 240 hostages back home and we will make sure that the Hamas terrorists cannot do such atrocities again in the future. We will protect Israelis and Filipinos alike,” he added.

There are around 30,000 Filipinos living and working in Israel, mostly in Tel Aviv and Haifa.



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