Smart tips to maintain wellbeing for work-at-home professionals

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A lot of professionals may have already adjusted to the daily work-from-home routine amid the current global situation. Even so, there are others who still find this setup challenging as it comes with the pressure to be online, reachable, and available 24/7. That is why it is important to learn to strike the right balance between work and life, even while quarantined at home.

Flexibility is one of the perks of working from home as you have more time to savor your morning coffee or stay a little longer in bed before answering emails or preparing presentations. While it can be a struggle to convince yourself to finally tackle your deliverables, you can start by listing down your to-dos and goals so you know what to expect for the day. Don’t be afraid to put a hard stop when you’ve done everything in your list and call it a day.

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Staying glued to the computer not only puts a strain on the eyes, but also on the body. Set some time away from your desk and take quick breaks for snacks, your favorite hobbies, and even workout routines.

Among the channels you can check out are Live Love Party for zumba routines, as well as Simply Pinay and Jacob Alava for quick HIIT and abs exercises, lifestyle tips, and healthy recipes. You can also download fitness apps such as Nike Training Club, Freeletics Training Coach, and Yoga Studio to remind you of your fitness breaks and track your workout.

We’ve all been trying to stay indoors as much as we could and at this point, a glimpse of the outside could be one of the best ways to take a break. You can lounge by your balcony, at your garden or backyard, or even just by your window for a few minutes to soak up some sun and enjoy time with nature.

To help you manage your time online, you can also download the Digital Wellbeing Dashboard on your phone so you can view how much time you’ve spent on apps. It also has a feature that lets you put a limit on how much time you can spend online by setting timers and turning on notifications to take a break.

Working at home also gives you the chance to find time to improve on your skills and read up on topics that interest you. You can visit online websites like Coursera or Udemy for crash courses on finance, management, and leadership. If you’re interested in research, you can access Google Scholar’s wide array of scholarly literature for free.

While multitasking may help you accomplish tasks at a faster pace, it can also distract you especially if you have a short attention span. Limit yourself to having only one Chrome tab open and work efficiently to finish it and move on to the next task. If you’re on a video call, avoid working simultaneously on another document and focus your attention to the speaker.


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