Singapore’s leading proptech company Ohmyhome is introducing ‘ShoutOut’, a one-of-a-kind feature exclusive to Ohmyhome app which aims to make the housing journey even easier
Guaranteed to make the home-search smooth and quick, ‘ShoutOut’ allows buyers and renters to post their property preferences for sellers and landlords to see.
Race and Rhonda Wong, co-founders of Ohmyhome, shared the new feature reverses the home-searching behavior as buyers and tenants can post their requirements on the app, to which sellers or property owners can respond if their properties meet the criteria. It also gives property sellers a glimpse at what searchers are looking for.
“ShoutOut likewise works well for homebuyers who have been looking for a particular property but can’t find it through the app search options. With this new feature, they can simply create a ShoutOut and indicate their preferences,” Rhonda, Ohmyhome chief executive officer, pointed out.
To ‘shout out’, property seekers may tap the “Post your ShoutOut” option in the Ohmyhome app. From there, users may choose from “I want to buy” or “I want to rent” and indicate their price range, preferred location, floor area, and other specifications such as number of bedrooms, toilets, and parking slots.
ShoutOut allows users to create up to five listings. Compared to the actual property listings in the Ohmyhome platform, ShoutOuts are posts that show what property-seekers are looking for and the specifics of their ideal home. Each ShoutOut automatically expires after four weeks, but can be extended by clicking the ‘repost’ button.
Race and Rhonda explained how Ohmyhome makes the home-search easier through this new feature. “Through ShoutOut, the Ohmyhome app helps match buyers to sellers automatically. For instance, if a user posts a ShoutOut indicating that he or she is looking for a property with certain property features in a specific location, the Ohmyhome system will notify property-sellers with listings that match what the user is looking for.”
They add that this new feature prioritizes buyers and sellers alike. It is a unique and efficient option for sellers and landlords who can now ‘shop’ for buyers and tenants by searching through — and filtering — properties in ShoutOut, sorting these by price, date posted, and other details.”
Once a property seller finds a good match in a potential buyer, they can ‘suggest’ their listing and reach out directly — a seamless and easy process.