A 2020 article from the University of Berkeley, noted that New Year’s resolutions matter more in a pandemic. The thought piece further says that instead of just waiting for the pandemic to finally be over, we’ll do better to “re-engage with the things that bring us meaning in life.” To do this, the author suggests creating a checklist of resolutions “to set your mid-pandemic course correction on the best possible path.”
With people having to address the negative events the pandemic has brought upon them, the combination of prioritizing one’s mental health and quitting an unhealthy habit is a solid step to get back on a healthier track
As pointed out by Scientific American, the pandemic has jostled people’s emotional equilibrium. Here in the Philippines, the National Center for Mental Health reported having received “more distressed calls at their hotline during the pandemic,” with the number of callers doubling to 700 callers a month.
Paraskevi Noulas, a clinical psychologist at NYU Langone Health, suggests that one way to improve mental health is to focus on self-awareness and being as present as possible. This, she says, allows one to check in with themselves at any given time; to know what they’re feeling, thinking, and experiencing physically, psychologically, and emotionally.
Additionally, it would be very helpful to have a trusted family member and friend whom one can turn to for support, as well as engaging in different activities that can boost one’s spirits.
With all the challenges that the pandemic has brought, some people have had to turn to unhealthy habits as coping mechanisms for stress: junk food binging, alcohol, and increased cigarette smoking.
Among all the New Year resolutions, “losing weight” and “quitting or reducing smoking” has always been at the top of the list. For those presently smoking but have been trying to quit, the pandemic has made this goal all the more difficult to achieve.
However, now more than ever, with the advent and increased adoption of more effective products, smokers have been quitting in droves over the years. One such product that has been proven effective are e-cigarettes. As stated by the UK’s National Health Service, “many thousands of people in the UK have already stopped smoking with the help of an e-cigarette” and that “using an e-cigarette can help manage one’s nicotine cravings.”
Another effective way to lick bad habits is to be accountable to someone who can check on their progress. E-cigarette brand Relx stands out by offering a guided “7 Day Challenge” to guide smokers to switch completely without reverting back to cigarettes. Instead of embarking on the journey alone, they receive support in making the switch permanent, so as to finally kick the habit once and for all.
With all the aforementioned suggestions and tips, the hope is for people to steadily, step-by-step, achieve their new year’s resolutions towards being mindful of their mental health and overall well-being.