Buela Physical Therapy Clinic, one of the most advanced physical therapy clinics in the country, has opened another branch in the Metro East Area at the Garden Walk Mall in Cainta, Rizal.
It boasts of cutting-edge technology in its clinics using the latest machines in physiotherapy. Coupled with well-trained physiotherapists and in-house medical doctors, the clinic offers a complete and holistic approach to physical therapy.
Gerald Buela, Buela Physical Therapy Clinic chief executive officer and a licensed physiotherapist himself, has a personal mission to raise the level of the profession. “That’s my advocacy, to elevate and push the boundaries of what this practice can achieve through technology and physiotherapy,” he said.
Buela is elevating the physical therapy industry by bringing in top of the line machines from abroad. “It’s the latest technology so the Philippines doesn’t fall far behind,” he added.
“Most of the physical therapy clinics in the Philippines are quite traditional. I want to transform the industry into one of the most advanced in the region.”
All the machines at the clinics are the latest models. The clinic touts an advanced approach using these machines that aid in various therapies: myofascial dry needling, microcurrent/macrocurrent therapy, deep radiofrequency heat therapy, vibration therapy, manual therapy (joint mobilization and spinal manipulation), postural correction program, high-intensity laser therapy, focused shockwave, traction therapy, tecartherapy.
Patients undergo a thorough screening and medical assessment by doctors and therapists to determine which treatment is most beneficial for their areas of concern.
There is a misconception that physical therapists are like massage therapists. Physical therapists or physiotherapists are licensed medical professionals whose field of study takes five years. While massage deals with the muscles, physical therapy can go deeper dealing with muscles, bones, and nerves, affecting the totality of the body.
“Our promise is to fix your problems one posture at a time,” Buela pointed out. When one doesn’t fix the posture, the muscles aren’t activated properly, the pain and discomfort will return.
The machines also target tissue at a deeper level that a simple massage cannot reach.
“Massages are good for relaxation, but you need physical therapy for pain and discomfort,” he stressed.
Cost is also something that precludes people from getting the physical therapy that they need, often choosing to pop a pill for the pain. But that solution is temporary, especially for those with chronic pain. People don’t often realize that their health card coverage includes physical therapy, and a visit to the Buela clinic can bring them more lasting relief.
Buela’s sleek and industrial chic interiors of blue gray, wood and steel is aimed at trying to do away with the cold and antiseptic feel of physical rehabilitation clinics, treating it more like going to a spa, gym, or an aesthetician, while still getting the level of treatment you would get at the most advanced physical rehabilitation center.
Buela has not only invested in machines but also in people. The clinic makes it a special point to design the staff area of the physical therapists to be as nice as the rest of the clinic. This does a lot for staff morale, as the staff room is usually the most neglected part of any establishment.
Buela knows the ins and outs of the industry and champions that therapists be treated as professionals. It’s only logical that happier staff can give better service. “I pay them a premium, twice as much as the average. I want physiotherapists to feel ownership of the space and to be comfortably working in that space. Compared to other clinics, we pay them double. I really value our people.”
“What we want to give our people is freedom from pain,” Buela said. “That way you can work more efficiently, have better relationships, and live your best life.”
Buela’s Alabang branch is located at Unit 2504 Entrata Urban Complex, Civic Drive, Filinvest, Alabang, Muntinlupa City.