Inspire renewed hope for a better tomorrow

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THE human race is facing one of the biggest crises to happen this century; a health, social and economic calamity like we have rarely seen before. During this period, uncertainty and fear have gripped everyone–across nations, across faiths, and across cultures.

Yet, it is clear, that to navigate this crisis, one must keep an optimistic spirit. To remember that while we are physically apart, we are also emotionally drawn together in this common fight, certain in the coming of a better tomorrow.

It is against this backdrop that Coca-Cola has launched “For the Human Race” a tribute to positivity, togetherness and the human spirit in these challenging times.

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“The world today is in the midst of extraordinary and difficult times,” says Winn Everhart, Coca-Cola Philippines General Manager. “But we also acknowledge that this is a moment in which we need to come together and support each another anyway we can. This is a time for us to help uplift the spirit, bring needed encouragement, and inspire,” he said.

The program is a tribute to the men and women that truly go beyond. This includes non-government organization (NGO) volunteers involved in providing aid and relief to the marginalized; essential service staff such as drivers, food delivery riders, and store workers who continue to serve their communities despite the risks; and countless individuals who, in their own meaningful ways, are touching lives and inspiring others day-by-day.

We see exemplary people like Neil Delgado-Garcia from Baguio. Despite being a person with disability, he hops onto his motorcycle to make vital deliveries, including volunteering to deliver food to frontliners. “Wala namangmakakatulongsaatin kung hinditayu-tayo din,” says Garcia.

It was upon seeing a restaurant prepare church-donated food for frontliners that inspired him to reach out and volunteer as a delivery rider. As a further act of kindness, Garcia would set aside the tips he would collect to buy coffee for the soldiers and police stationed at the checkpoints “Parang hinditulongyungbinibigaymo–saya. Sobranggandasapakiramdam ‘yun,” he adds.

Coca-Cola’s long-held belief in universal togetherness, positivity and hope is the foundation of the “For the Human Race” movement.

“We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to those who continue to keep us all safe through the crisis, particularly those people on the front lines,” Everhart says.  “Every day, we are inspired and uplifted by countless acts of selflessness, kindness and courage from people across the Philippines and around the world. Please know that the good work you do serves to inspire us and that we are with you all the way in this fight.”

Aside from lifting spirits, Coca-Cola has been hard at work in doing their share to help in the battle against COVID-19. The company, along with its valued partners, including TOWNS Foundation, UP Medical Foundation, the Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation, Caritas Manila, McDonald’s Kindness Kitchen, Rise Against Hunger-PH, Philippines Business for Social Progress, and Jollibee Foundation, have been supporting relief efforts since the start of the crisis in the Philippines.

This includes the company’s initial Php 150 million donation that translated into providing personal protective equipment (PPEs), food packs, and beverages to medical workers and local communities.

To date, more than 50,000 medical workers have been provided with PPEs, critical protection they need in treating patients, a significant portion of which was coursed through the tireless efforts of UP Medical Foundation and the TOWNS Foundation.

Together with Caritas-Manila, Rise Against Hunger and PBSP, the distribution of food packs to 39,000 vulnerable families are ongoing, addressing the urgent need for nourishment and sustenance. Additionally, over 500,000 liters of beverages have been distributed to 125 public and private hospitals, 99 local government units, 53 national government agencies, and 50 non-government organizations and foundations.


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