For more than 20 years Eksperience have researched the vast and extraordinary abundance of the sea and, as a result of their advanced scientific approach, they meticulously select and extract rich and active marine ingredients to make each products’ formulas, which treat, nourish and replenish the hair and scalp, more effectively.
One very effective product under the vast portfolio of Eksperience is their delicate, sulfate-free hair cleanser infused with violet colorants that moisturize the hair fiber while helping fight yellow tones in order to maintain light shades looking naturally bright for longer. Maris Aqua or marine spring water aims to purify and exfoliate the scalp while extract of Fucus vesiculosus combined with hydrolyzed actin protein that serves as an antioxidant.
Meanwhile, Porphyra umbilicalis provides intense moisture Finally, it has cranberry juice extract, that contains very high amounts of vitamin A and C, known to promote healthy hair.
As a sustainable brand, Eksperience have worked to increase their awareness and reduce their impact on the environment, which is why they are using FSC-certified paper from sustainable, ethically-managed forests and source recyclable plastic and glass for every bottle.
Eksperience Color Protection Blonde & Grey Hair Cleanser is available at, its LazMall Flagship Store: New Summit Colors, Shopee Mall: revlon professional, or LOOK at SM Aura.