All the effort you spend on what’s seen outside can be ruined if you don’t build it on a reliable foundation of what you wear inside. Wear the right bras to avoid these fashion boo boos:
The See-Through
If you don’t have a bra that’s remotely the same shade of your top, you can try wearing one that matches your skintone instead. For Filipinas with fairer skin, the Mindy Underwire Brassiere is perfect. For perfect nudes with a tinge of sexiness, tanner ladies will love how the champagne-colored Mira Underwire Lace Brassiere will complement their golden complexion. For morenas, they will find just the right support in their perfect nude with the mocha-hued Marinella Underwire Full Cup Lace Brassiere.
This happens when the edges of the bra poke through your clothing, creating what’s called the Visible Bra Line (VBL). It is not as obvious as its colorful cousin The See-Through, but it’s just as noticeable.
Choose the Salma Non-wire T-shirt Bra when you want your intimate apparel to be more incognito. If you’re wearing sleeveless or off-shoulder blouses or tops and you don’t want your bra straps to be visible, you can opt for the Regina Underwire Convertible Brassiere.
The Spill
The Spill happens when your bust spills over the top edge of the bra because your intimate wear is too tight. In extreme cases, ill-fitting bras can result in The Ledge, which makes your breasts look like–you guessed it–an unnatural ledge pushed up from your chest.
For just the right lift, the Simonette Underwire Push-up bra from Avon Fashions gives your bust a boost along with extra support. For bustier women, the Cristina Underwire Shaping bra gives extra support while providing better breast contouring.
The Wet Look
The underboob sweat is uncomfortable and when visible, is super embarrassing. Deal with warmer days by putting on a breathable mesh bra, like the Willow Breathable Bra.
The Stiffness
A bra that doesn’t fit can restrict movement, require constant adjustment, and even give you back problems that will ruin your otherwise perfect poise.
All bras from Avon, such as the Lauren Nude Non-Wire Bra comes in a wide range of Filipina sizes and proportions. The comfortable, non-wire lace bra ensures maximum comfort. No need to sacrifice poise for fashion!