Third wave coffee, simply put, is a concept that focuses on delivering high-quality coffee. It is a subculture that considers the drink as artisanal, but unlike the second wave that gives more premium to experience, it also gives importance to a deeper understanding of coffee and its origins. This approach adds more romance to the act of preparing the drink as well as enjoying it.
It is this kind of perspective that Breville Philippines, a lifestyle home brand offering premium kitchen partners, has always nurtured in its years of operation in the country.
A household name when it comes to coffee machines, the brand is known for its high-quality espresso models. However, it has decided that there is a niche it is yet to fill and a need to address, and that is to provide the market with a friendlier kitchen partner that can help them master the art of making third wave coffee right in their homes.
Elijah Marie Cortez-Flores, food and beverage unit manager of Breville, said there are different kinds of coffee enthusiasts, “but what about those who have the same level of love for coffee but wanted a simpler way to approach it? That’s what the Bambino Plus is for.”
True to the brand’s promise of always providing kitchen partners that can deliver artisanal drinks, the Bambino Plus uses what the brand calls the four keys formula to provide the best balance, consistency, flavor, and texture in every cup of joe.
The combination of ideal dose, proper temperature, optimal pressure, and sufficient steam promises a serving that can challenge brews from coffee shops.
The model also uses an innovative ThermoJet heating system, Adjustable Milk Temperature Setting, and a Hands-free Automatic Steam Wand that makes it easy for anyone to recreate their favorite third wave drink without leaving their home.
“For some, there’s always the connotation that ‘third wave coffee’ is such an exclusive thing — almost elitist in some sense. The truth is that anyone can appreciate it if they’re interested in what the movement stands for, which is understanding coffee more. When you have that mindset, you can definitely enjoy your coffee better because you know more of its story, its processes, and the whole package. You build your knowledge from the ground up so you can enhance your experience,” explained Flores.
This is what the Bambino Plus stands for. It is simple without cutting corners on quality and it can definitely deliver high-quality cups even without all the bells and whistles of its advanced counterparts. More importantly, it helps anyone get the chance to master and enjoy third wave specialty coffee right in the comfort of their own homes.
“We want to elevate the whole coffee experience by educating everyone that there is a story behind every bean and every roast. It’s like adding more dimension to what we already love by getting to know it on a deeper level. More than just that though, we also want everyone to know that everyone can make their favorite drink at home without being too specific or technical about it,” added Flores.
“The Bambino Plus is meant to help coffee lovers experience third wave specialty coffee without making things complicated. Its simplicity is meant to retain the magic that we all love every time we sit down to enjoy our brews,” noted Flores.