The link between healthy muscles and a healthy immune system

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Our immune system is always at work, protecting against unwanted microbes or infections.

And while our immune system is always operating, it is not usually top of mind unless one is sick or trying to avoid a virus. Following good-health guidelines are natural ways to keep the immune system strong and healthy. But should we also be considering our muscle health when thinking about our immunity?

While additional research is needed, data suggest loss of muscle mass is associated with compromised immunity and infections. Research in older adults has shown increased markers of inflammation associated with low muscle mass and muscle function.

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A trial conducted in Singapore found that every one-year increase in age over the age of 65 was associated with 13% higher odds of having low muscle mass. While the study sheds light on who may be at higher risk for low muscle mass, it is also an important reminder for all of us of the importance of maintaining muscle as we age.

To preserve muscles, it is recommended to engage in a holistic approach. One is to engage in regular exercise, with an amin of at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week. This should be supplemented by consuming 20-30 grams of protein per meal.

Oral supplements with Hydroxymethylbutyrate (HMB) can also help improve muscle health.

Along with exercise, HMB can also help improve muscle quality and function in older adults.

While HMB is naturally found in very small amounts in foods such as avocados, grapefruit, and catfish, it is hard to get enough HMB from food sources alone to achieve health benefits, thus a supplement can help

Making an effort to maintain or improve muscle mass can have significant benefits on health. Many may immediately think of the role muscle can have on our strength and energy — especially as we age, but research points to its positive impact on the immune system as well.


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