Beauty and brains

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Beauty and wellness are highlighted in the latest issue of the Healthy Options Lifestyle News Digest A beautiful face can have surprising power. Physical attractiveness often creates a strong first impression on the mind, prompting most people to go beyond looks and start generating assumptions about the person’s success, status, parenting, and intelligence, which may or may not be true. Beauty may co-exist with smartness, too — being in the know when it comes to self-care, relating with others, and so on.

Peruse the science-backed articles focusing on “Beauty and Brains” in the latest issue of the Healthy Options Lifestyle News Digest. Having both intellect and beauty can offer many benefits. Read about the inner workings of individuals with a combination of beauty and brains, as well as studies pointing out that beauty is just a small part of who a person is.

The article “The Psychology of Beauty” by a board-certified psychiatrist is one very interesting read.

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Flip the pages of the Healthy Options Lifestyle News Digest and uncover the “Secrets to Smooth and Sexy Legs” and “The Best Way to Get Rid of Acne Scars.”

Wondering how your skin can retain its natural glow? Ditch some common habits that hurt your skin now, like picking at it, and deliberately avoiding healthy fats. Feed your skin from the inside. Skim through the article “Nutrients for Healthy Skin” for a heads-up on the key nutrients that can be obtained from food to help keep your skin working good and looking great.

The stress-sex connection also gets tackled in the news digest. There are times in our lives when day-to-day stress makes sex the last thing on couples’ plates. Browse through the article, “The Multiple Links Between Sex and Stress” and uncover some stress management benefits that can be obtained from sex.

Also worth reading are health articles like “7 Reasons Your Pee Smells Weird.” Glean helpful insights like how too much sugary foods can influence children’s behavior. In general, health experts say it is a good idea to limit the amount of processed sugar your children consume. An interesting piece of information is that “a small number of kids may have fewer ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) symptoms if they are veered away from food ingredients like food dyes and additives. Another food for thought is that it may be the situation rather than the sugar that gets kids amped up. Bust the myths and uncover the facts, through the article, “Should Kids with ADHD Avoid Sugar?” which is one empowering read.

Other helpful topics featured in the news digest are “10 Essential Social Skills for Success” and “How Starting a Collection Can Have Lasting Benefits For Your Child.” Featured in between the enlightening articles of the Healthy Options Lifestyle News Digest are all-natural products including beauty enhancers and brain/mood boosters. Take your pick from the quality assortment of beauty & health product finds at Healthy Options, with stores strategically located in Metro Manila and key cities nationwide.


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