NVP1WORLD Entertainment LLC recognizes and honors outstanding individuals who continue to inspire in these trying times. Behind the awards is company president and main entertainer, Nick Vera Perez, who has come up with four categories for his distinguished list of awardees.
“We call them, the four Great Pillars of NVP1WORLD’s Foundation: Love, Music, Humanitarianism and Nursing. All these four can be interchanged, intertwined and even combined in a single individual awardee,” he said.
Vera Perez said this year’s awards will focus on the heroes of today and will be guided by the theme, “overcoming depression.”
The honorees, revealed on August 7, are:
Nancy Loo, Woman Legion of Honor; Marlon Garzo Saria, Ph.D., Man Legion of Honor; Louise Perry, CRN, Distinct Woman of Honor, who is also the guest speaker during the virtual show on October 24; lawyer and fashion icon Mark Roscoe, Distinct Man of Honor, a multi-Emmy winner;
Via Times News Magazine / CPRTv, Best Fil-Am Chicago Media 2020; Carmelita Ico, Pastor Philip Tan, Sr. Lifetime Achievement Award 2020; HongNing Restaurant & Grille, Best Fil-Am Restaurant in Illinois 2020; Mr. and Mrs. Bimbo Mills, Distinct Couple of the Year 2020; Regine Velasquez, Outstanding Extreme Vocals 2020; Shyla K, Most Promising Talent 2020; Davin Arielle, BreakThrough Talent 2020;
SOHI (Seeds of HOPE International), Humanitarian Group of the Year 2020; Marell Hazel Garcia RN, BSN, MS, Nurse Executive of the Year 2020; Ronald Abad, Production Director 2020; and Roldan Frias Castro, Outstanding Media in Entertainment 2020.
The Hero Awardees are:
Krystal Horton (Virginia), Frontline Hero 2020; Shawnte Peterson, Frontline Hero 2020; Monica Watkins, Frontline Hero 2020; Luz Elena Rivera, Frontline Hero 2020; Paul Schirmer, Dc, Frontline Hero 2020; Gemma Roculas (Florida), Frontline Hero 2020; Emeliza Olavide (KSA), Frontline Hero 2020;
Bernold Vergara(Dubai), Frontline Hero 2020; Alice Almendral, Md(New York), Frontline Hero 2020; Melette Fanunal (Philippines), Frontline Hero 2020; Throy Catan(Philippines), Frontline Hero 2020; Blessie Cirera (Philippines), Frontline 2020; Joewild Ilagan (Philippines), Frontline Hero 2020; Noel Lasala, Md (Chicago), Frontline Hero 2020; Olive S DPerio (Washington), Frontline Hero 2020; Rowena Chua (Philipppines), Frontline Hero 2020; Tequila Rogers (Illinois), Frontline Hero USA; David Kulik(Illinois), Frontline Hero 2020; and Martha Delgado(Illinois), Frontline Hero 2020.
The Nurse of the Year 2020 award goes to:
Betty Hill-Wilson, RN (Illinois); Christy Orsby, RN (Illinois); Joy Soriano, RN (Illinois); Cristina Sales, RN (Illinois); Myra Jung, RN (Illinois); Claudia Gomez, RN (Illinois); Sue Nickles-Lucente, RN (Illinois); Ana Profeta, RN (Illinois); Marlowe Gujil, RN (Illinois); Marin Yumang, RN (Wi, Usa); Nikki Schnegelsberg, RN (Illinois); Judith Hotovy, RN (Illinois); Sherry Briick, RN (Illinois); Marijessie Rizo-Guzman, RN (Illinois); Kayla Marie, RN (Illinois); Courtney Horvat, RN (Illinois); Paulina Wojniki, RN (Illinois); Adianalyn Sappayani, RN (Illinois); Tracey Sunde, RN (Illinois); Rommel Yarcia, RN (Illinois); And Patty Gasienica, RN (Illinois).
This year’s event will be an hour-long virtual show on October 24, 8 p.m. in the USA (October 25, 9 a.m. in the Philippines). Guest performers include Rozz Daniels, Irelyn Arana, Shyla K and Davin Arielle, plus singers from Manila.