LightTV is set to captivate audiences once again with its newest show, “Journey with Joana Marie.” The show, set to premiere on July 8, will take viewers on a transformative adventure, exploring the lives of individuals who have overcome adversity and found hope in the face of challenges.
“Journey with Joana Marie” is led by entrepreneur and fashion designer Joana Marie D. Lazaro, who is on a mission to inspire and empower with messages of positivity for viewers of all ages.
From tales of personal growth and overcoming physical limitations to stories of resilience in the face of social and economic challenges, the show explores a diverse range of experiences that will touch the hearts of viewers.
“I am excited and proud to host this kind of show especially because I am a newbie in the local television industry,” said Joana Marie.
“A Journey with Joana Marie” is a new segment under the TV show “Circle of Influencers” (Season 2) on LightTV (UHF TV Channel 33 in Mega Manila and TV Channel 33 in Puerto Princesa City). It is produced by Mabuhay Philippines Digital Network for Light TV and was conceptualized by Jag Cruz, who also directs the program.
“I really appreciate that I am his top choice to be part of his TV show and host one of the segments. I am grateful as well that he is open and collaborative with my own ideas and suggestions. From the start, I feel so valued. Cheers to more empowering projects together… Manifested na po ‘yan!” said Joana Marie, who is the CEO and co-owner of Laurus Enterprises, an events company in the Philippines organizing internationally-recognized seminars related to personal growth and professional development.
“A Journey with Joana Marie” will premiere on July 8, 1:30 p.m. on Light TV. — (GFCT)