Wrenching ironies

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‘The liberation of Manila, heralded by MacArthur’s return, turned into a massive gore and mayhem, with more than 200,000 civilians, including women and children, slaughtered by the retreating Japanese military.’ 

REMEMBERING our nation’s Independence Day compels us to bring back dreaded and wrenching memories of Filipinos struggling against the oppressive Spanish regime, as well as against the brutal Japanese occupation forces during World War 2.

Filipinos had been easily taken by American war propaganda, especially Gen. Douglas MacArthur’s “I Shall Return” pledge when he was ordered by Washington to leave behind American and Filipino soldiers trapped in Bataan.

He was to regroup the Pacific Allied Forces in Australia and plan a major counter-offensive against the Japanese. But his departure from the Philippines, which was opposed by then President Manuel Quezon, did not seem to be a lauded textbook military decision — that a military commander should abandon his men besieged by superior enemy forces.

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Macarthur left some 70,000 soldiers low on ammunition, food and supplies to their own devices and doom, and directed his next-in-command, Gen. Wainwright, to virtually sacrifice their lives by ordering him not to surrender at all costs.

The liberation of Manila, heralded by MacArthur’s return, turned into a massive gore and mayhem, with more than 200,000 civilians, including women and children, slaughtered by the retreating Japanese military.


The family of the late Erlinda Ocampo is appealing to the Department of Health (DOH to investigate the Maclang-Bautista General Hospital at Barangay Batasan in Quezon City.

The 50-year-old Ocampo had undergone surgery last month for the removal of her gallstones. After a week, she started suffering persistent pain in her stomach, which went on for a month.

She was brought back to the same hospital where she underwent another operation, leading the doctors to discover five pieces of gauze in her stomach that resulted in “complete intestinal obstruction” which led to “septic shock” and her death after a few days.

The doctors told the family they suspected Ocampo had swallowed the gauze by accident while she was going through a depressing time.

Since then, the doctors and the administration head or staff of the Maclang-Bautista Hospital have evaded talking to the family. Her son, Jayson, took photos of the gauzes and sent them to Sen. Raffy Tulfo’s popular radio program.


From Head Pastor Gene Paloma Tagasa of the Passover Lamb Church: Colossians 3:23 – “Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.” Many of us who say our families are important don’t live as if they are. Perhaps without realizing it, we have devalued (today) in favor of an imagined (tomorrow) that may never come. As we read Colossians 3:12-25, try including the word today with each verse. “Let the peace of God rule in your hearts” today (v. 15). “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly” today (v. 16).

Along with the specific instructions given to wives, husbands, children, and fathers, include the word today. The Word of God comes to us with a sense of urgency and immediacy, calling us to obey now, rather than somewhere down the road of life. The only way to escape the “tomorrow trap” is to begin following God’s guidelines in our work and in our family relationships – today! God is looking for obedience, not just good intentions.


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