Divorce is fine, it will be good for your mental health and it might be better for your kids.’
I’M delivering a short presentation this morning in Puerto Princesa, at the Stakeholder Summit for mining that the provincial government had the great foresight to organize.
Mining, as we know, is controversial in the country, the controversy is consistently stoked and drummed up by some anti-mining advocates who can never be convinced that responsible mining is real and has a role to play in national development.
Palawan in particular, called the “last frontier” by many, is being pictured by anti-mining advocates as a province under siege and in grave danger of lasting damage from mining.
But as the MGB points out, the mining footprint in Palawan is just a little over 3% of the one million hectares area of the province.
Anyway, while bracing for my presentation which is actually a reaction to someone who will present about responsible mining, my thoughts moved from mining to priests to things that irritate priests. And one of those things is the idea of divorce. Priests say (oh, when I refer to, I refer to the Catholic kind which is the majority in this country) that divorce can never be countenanced because divorce is splitting apart what God put together. And no man should do that.
Think about it: what is the most important “matter” in your life that God and only God had a hand in creating? Time’s up. The answer? Your body. Your body is God’s purest creation: every element of your body was put together by God via the creative process that is called sex and had some aspects of lust as part of the ingredients. When you emerged from the womb of your mother, you were at that very moment the ultimate example of God’s work.
A baby, filled with life and promise and enveloped by love and the hospital’s sheets which cost your parents a lot.
You were God’s creation. Your body is His obra maestro. God and only God put your body together.
So let’s look at the divorce logic: no man should put asunder what God has put together.
Now let’s apply that logic to something that is undeniably God’s creation: our bodies. And what’s the effect?
The effect of that logic is this: if the time comes when a part of our bodies gets diseased — a lung or a liver or a heart or a spleen or an arm or a leg — then do nothing. And don’t even think of removing the diseased part. Why?
Because what God put together no man should put asunder.
That’s how the logic flows, yes?
But our good priests don’t see it that way and will happily troop to the Cardinal Santos Hospital for treatment and have diseased body parts removed. No questions, or second thoughts, at all. If it’s diseased, fake it out. It might kill me. They’re fine to be rid of a part of their body that God created through the process of surgery, which is the medical version of divorce.
But if a relationship is diseased which might kill one or both parties or even their offspring, no divorce. No, no, a thousand times, no.
But don’t listen to them. Go ahead and separate. Divorce is fine, it will be good for your mental health and it might be better for your kids.
And don’t worry about what the priests will say. Heck, as late as the 1600s they were insisting that the Sun orbited around the Earth even though for billions of years the Earth has been the one that orbited around the Sun!
So what do they know?
Get divorced. Separate. And find the happiness you deserve.