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‘… I am just overly sensitive to the use of our symbols of state in ways that do not provide them the proper honor and glory they deserve.’

THE Philippine flags lined up on either side of the space between the Rizal Monument and the giant flagpole are puny.

I was driving past the area yesterday on my way to Club Intramuros when I happened to glance towards the monument just as we were passing it.

The first thing I noticed, of course, was that condo building looming behind the monument (despite it being a significant distance away). The condo building made the monument look puny. Which in part of what triggered the brouhaha when people first noticed how the construction was going to mar the backdrop of the monument for anyone wishing to take a selfie with Rizal in the background the condo in turn in the background of Rizal.

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Too bad we couldn’t do a feng shui and rotate the monument so that Rizal would have his back turned towards Manila Bay – providing a better backdrop for any selfie taker.

But after noticing the towering condo, I noticed the small flagpoles on either side of the ceremonial space between Rizal and the giant Luneta flagpole. This space is where visiting dignitaries stand on ceremony as they prepare to pay their respects to the national hero.

It’s also where the Philippine president stands on December 30 before walking towards the monument with a wreath in front of him being carried by the honor guard, to be placed at the foot of the monument.

Given the significance of the space, I was surprised that the flagpoles on either side were small and that the flags on the poles were small ones, too. Which I found to be uninspiring.

Maybe the reason for this is twofold. First, you already have the largest flag in the Philippines flying right in front of the monument itself, the flag that Philippine officialdom ceremonially raises during June 12 Independence Day celebrations.

Second, you didn’t want to dwarf the monument itself which is now already dwarfed by that condo in the background, and shorter flagpoles can provide a sense of perspective that makes the monument look, well, bigger.

I could be making too much fuss out of a small thing, but I am just overly sensitive to the use of our symbols of state in ways that do not provide them the proper honor and glory they deserve. I’d take out all those flags if I were the one to decide, because anyway you already have that huge one right there as well.

And that one is how a flag should be flown. On a giant scale.

Or we should have 10 times more flagpoles with bigger flags dotting Rizal Park – the way the area around the Washington monument has so many tall flagpoles on which fly the American flag in large size. That’s an inspiring sight to behold due to the number of flags – and their size.

It’s time for us to break out of our “puny” mindset. And maybe in the process we can end up claiming the larger space on the world stage that we – I think- deserve.


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