It’s the Earth that orbits, stupid

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THE title of this piece is a play on the famous “It’s the economy, stupid” mantra that kept the Bill Clinton campaign focused against an incumbent President riding on the patriotic fervor of Desert Storm.

The Clinton mantra helped him defeat Bush the elder because it went straight to the gut issue most important to American voters. In some ways, we saw it work again effectively last year, helping Donald Trump regain the Oval Office despite being perhaps the most scandal – and lawsuit – ridden candidate to ever seek the White House in US history. Trump takes his oath of office today, January 20; a historic day for US democracy, but a turning point as well

I digress though.

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While “It’s the economy, stupid” is no laughing matter, to have to say “It’s the earth that orbits (the Sun), stupid” is. Everybody knows that. Everybody with a brain and access to basic information about the world we live in knows and accepts heliocentrism (as this is called).

God made it that way, yes? And if scientists are accurate at pegging the age of the planet at +3.5 billion years, then it’s been this way for at least as long as that.

And yet…

And yet the Catholic Church, the self-proclaimed interpreter of God’s works, readily condemned scientists in the 1600s who dared promote heliocentrism. The most prominent victim of the Church was Galileo Galilei, condemned to house arrest till his death and then denied the proper burial because the Roman Catholic Church labeled him a heretic who propagated a belief that ran contrary to the Holy Scriptures and was thus dangerous to the Faith that the Church promoted – and on which is derived its power.

But heliocentrism was a fact, yes, as old as perhaps four billion years plus? A fact that God created, yes, because it was God who created the sun and the stars and everything?

So if it was God who created everything and made heliocentrism a fact, why were the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church waging a war against heliocentrism in the 1600s and condemning people like Galileo for telling the truth? The answer is simple: because the Roman Catholic Church headed by the Pope did not know what it was talking about and was threatened by the emergence of those who knew – not better, but the truth.

The Pope and the Bishops were the ones totally divorced from the truth about God’s own creation. And yet, in their supreme arrogance, they were happy to condemn people for their belief in what was true.

This supreme arrogance based on total ignorance has not left the Church and I see it in today’s Galileo bishops who condemn mining like it was the work of the Devil. But just as it was in the 1600s, so it is in the 21st century – the Devil works not through those who work with facts and with the gifts that God Himself gave for man to use; the Devil works through those who claim to speak the truth but in reality know nothing – and are extremely arrogant in – and of – their ignorance.

It’s the Earth that orbits the sun, you idiots. Long live Galileo!


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