Health tips

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‘It might be surprising to some that our environment, our home, office, public areas, are literally filthy, becoming evident when the various surfaces are tested and cultured for germs and examined under the microscope.’

Conscious brushing

ORO-DENTAL health parallels cardiac health. Poor oral hygiene from neglect or improper oral care not only lead to disgusting halitosis (bad breath) and dental carries/gingivitis but also to increased risk for heart attack and stroke. Conscious brushing is a method of dental care that provides the greatest chance of cleaning all the teeth, gums, tongue, and whole mouth.

The individual focuses and concentrates totally on flossing all the inter-dental (between teeth) crevices, and brushing each tooth consciously, the top and all reachable sides of each tooth. I prefer a soft brush and toothpaste with baking soda and peroxide, but most dental pastes are acceptable. The gums and the entire mouth are brushed gently, including the throat.

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Using a tongue scraper, from all the way back, forward to the tip, removes bacteria loaded with thick mucus. The tongue is a great major source of bacteria and halitosis. Gurgling helps flush out food particles in between teeth. The final step is the use of mouth rinse, preferably with stabilized chlorine dioxide. The less expensive alternative is to add a teaspoon of salt or two tablespoonfuls of hydrogen peroxide to a glass of water and use this as a mouth rinse, at least twice a day. And visit your dentist every 6 months, or more often if needed.

Food for the brain

With the scary threat of developing Alzheimer’s dementia, everyone wonders what could be done to ward off this terrible nightmare, a disease worse than any other, even cancer, even death. The severe toll is not only on the individual but on the entire family, especially the spouse. While Alzheimer’s syndrome is not totally known, especially on how to fully prevent or treat it, one thing is clear: our diet affects our brain, our heart, and our whole being.

Currently, a plant-based diet (rich in polyphenols, flavanoids, and other antioxidants) is the now evidence-based approach to disease prevention and in some cases, to cure, and even to maximize longevity, as stated in the book, Let’s Stop “Killing” Our Children (link:, which is listed in the US Library of Congress. This is a primer on a healthy lifestyle starting from the womb and in the crib to protect DNA from major illnesses as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer’s and even cancer, from ever occurring when children grow up, adds daily exercise, abstinence from tobacco, vaping, illegal drugs, adhering to a disciplined approach to alcohol, and stress management with week-end breaks and regular vacation/staycations with friends and family.

The simple strategy is to fill up 3/4 of your plate with vegetables of various colors, some fruits and nuts, and the remaining 1/4 with fish (wild-caught, not farm-raised), chicken, without the skin, or beef or pork (not more than 12 ounces). Abstaining from red meat and processed meats (bacon, hot dogs, sausages, etc.) is a healthier option, to reduce the risk for heart attack, stroke, T2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and even cancer. Most cancers, like pancreatic and colon cancers, are linked to eating red meat.

Soft drinks are slow-acting poison

Soft drinks in general, cola or un-cola, diet or regular, caffeinated or flavored or not, are all toxic to the body, especially to children. These beverages increase the risk for metabolic syndrome, a cluster of medical conditions that leads to the development of high blood pressure, T2 diabetes, heart attack, and stroke. The effective use of cola drinks to unplug blocked sink drains or toilets or its use to clean car carburetors illustrates the abrasiveness of this beverage. Imagine what it does to our bodies when we ingest them. The harmful effects take years. Taking this slow-acting poison ourselves and allowing our children to do the same is irrational, careless, and endangering the health of the entire family. The healthiest drink is still clean, unadulterated, filtered water. And less expensive too.

Our filthy environment

It might be surprising to some that our environment, our home, office, and public areas, are literally filthy, becoming evident when the various surfaces are tested and cultured for germs and examined under the microscope. We constantly live and cohabitate with bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds, parasites, etc., from the day we were born, and have developed a certain level of tolerance of them. That’s because our immune system has adapted to our Mother Earth.

When our immunity goes down, through poor nutrition or care, or illnesses, or immuno-suppressed by chemo/radiation treatment for cancer, or by AIDS, or when born with immune deficiency syndrome, the dose of these germs around us could overpower us and cause diseases. Hand washing, or bathing, does not totally eliminate the germs in us; it merely reduces the dose to a level that our individual immune system is able to handle and prevent illnesses. Even surgeons brushing their hands for 10-15 minutes in preparation for surgery still have residual germs in their hands, the reason why they follow this up with alcohol or betadine soak. All our rooms at home are teeming with bacteria, especially the kitchen, more than our toilet, believe it or not. This why personal cleanliness is utmost, and cleaning our home regularly, daily for the kitchen and bathrooms, more intensely every week, is important in warding off contamination and diseases.

I personally stay away from chemical cleansing agents, which have some health and ecological hazards. I use a new modified quadruple 5 formula for a concoction as a homemade cleansing spray agent: 50 cc regular vinegar, 50 cc alcohol, 5 cc dishwashing soap, mixed with 500 cc water, and poured into two spray bottles. Safer, cheaper, and readily (refill) available than chemical cleansing agents sold in stores.


Philip S. Chua, MD, FACS, FPCS, a Cardiac Surgeon Emeritus based in Northwest Indiana and Las Vegas, Nevada, is an international medical lecturer/author, Health Advocate, newspaper columnist, and Chairman of the Filipino United Network-USA, a 501(c)3 humanitarian foundation in the United States. He was a decorated recipient of the Indiana Sagamore of the Wabash Award in 1995, presented by then Indiana Governor, later Senator, and then-presidential candidate Evan Bayh. Other Sagamore past awardees include President Harry Truman, President George HW Bush, Muhammad Ali, and Astronaut Gus Grissom (Wikipedia). Websites:,, and Email:


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