‘When the final studies pan out to be safe and effective, this therapy would be a boon in the management of mood disorders and positively impact millions of lives worldwide.’
A NEW study showed that Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), one of the B vitamins, could reduce anxiety and depression after taking it at a high dose for a month. In the research, Vitamin B12 did not have much impact on these conditions, but pyridoxine had a good positive impact.
The effective dose of B6 in this study to prevent or treat mood disorders was found to be about 50 times the minimum daily requirement of 1.3 mg for 50 and younger, and 1.5 to 1.7 mg for those older than 50.
Published in the journal Human Psychopharmacology, the investigators said “Vitamin B6 helps the body produce a specific chemical messenger that inhibits impulses in the brain, and our study links this calming effect with reduced anxiety among the participants; pyridoxine is known to increase the body’s production of GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid), a chemical that blocks impulses between nerve cells in the brain.”
Foods that contain B6 include, among others, chickpeas, fruits and vegetables, and tuna, but it needs B6 supplements to be high enough a concentration in the body to have a positive effect on mood.
When the final studies pan out to be safe and effective, this therapy would be a boon in the management of mood disorders and positively impact millions of lives worldwide.
Consult your physician before embarking on this, or other therapies, which, in this particular case still needs a larger-scale clinical trial before being approved for general use.
Erection problem
Erectile dysfunction (ED), the inability to have a firm erection for successful intercourse, affects more than 30 million Americans and roughly about 10 million Filipinos. Around 52 percent of males, ages 40-70, have this malady. Even the younger men are not exempt from ED. But there is hope today, with our modern therapeutics.
The common causes include vascular (the most common), smoking, diabetes, alcohol use, stress, depression, anxiety, medications, the deficit in nerve signaling, and endocrine or hormone issues. Medical consultation is important to rule out organic medical problems that would require more comprehensive laboratory tests.
An association between dietary cholesterol, unsaturated fat intake, and erectile dysfunction was discovered by the Massachusetts Male Aging Study. Consuming a Mediterranean diet, consisting mostly of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats like olive oil, and avocados, may prevent ED.
The following food items help in preventing and management of ED, besides providing other nutritional benefits to the body: fish, oatmeal, blackberries, avocado, pistachios watermelon, spinach, kale, persimmons, pomegranate juice, bananas, apricots, chili peppers, nuts, and green leafy, and other colored vegetables.
Regular physical exercise helps a lot in solving ED problems.
The foods to avoid: alcohol and any soft drinks; soy-based items and licorice, all of which decrease testosterone levels. Smoking is a major cause. Obesity is another factor. A high intake of red meat and processed meats also increases the risk for ED, besides cancer.
Anti-ED pills like Viagra, Sildenafil, and Levitra, could be tried, together with the anti-ED foods recommended above. Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid), B3 (niacin), and C (ascorbic acid) are also suggested by some studies. If all those above do not help, counseling is recommended.
Warning: There are dozens of herbals and over-the-counter drugs, some sold on the streets which have not been officially approved and could have potentially serious side effects.
A healthy lifestyle, including diet, weight control, exercise, no smoking, disciplined alcohol intake, a positive attitude, and responsible behavior could help provide confidence and a happy performance in the bedroom. Sex is vital and has dozens of benefits to our health. Making our partners happy is the key to a blessed and comfortable home.
Philip S. Chua, MD, FACS, FPCS, a Cardiac Surgeon Emeritus based in Northwest Indiana and Las Vegas, Nevada, is an international medical lecturer/author, Health Advocate, newspaper columnist, and Chairman of the Filipino United Network-USA, a 501(c)3 humanitarian foundation in the United States. Websites: FUN8888.com, Today.SPSAtoday.com, and philipSchua.com Email: scalpelpen@gmail.com