The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is releasing the revised labeling rules on cement products following complaints from local manufacturers that some imports are being confused as locally-made.
The DTI’s Bureau of Product Standards (BPS) took note of the concerns raised by local manufacturers that imported cement products bagged in the country were labeled as “Product of the Philippines.”
The BPS said it will issue a memorandum circular (MC) on the Supplemental Guidelines for the Implementation of Department Administrative Order (DAO) 17-06, Series of 2017, or “The New Rules and Regulations Concerning the Mandatory Certification of Portland Cement and Blended Hydraulic Cement with Pozzolan”.
DTI Secretary Ramon Lopez said cement manufacturers and operators of bagging facilities must be truthful in declaring the products’ country of origin.
Consistent with DAO 17-06:2017, the BPS issued separate licenses for the manufacturing and bagging facilities on a per plant site/location basis.
However, there has been some confusion on the required product markings as the earlier DAO did not include the marking requirements for bagging facilities to indicate the country of manufacture; thus, necessitating a new circular clarifying this requirement for concerned manufacturers and/or importers.
Upon issuance of the supplemental guidelines, DTI-BPS will be conducting verification and monitoring of cement bagging facilities in the country to ensure immediate compliance on the prescribed product markings.