Take Control of Your Energy Bills: Discover the kW Manager in LG DualCool ACs

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  1. Download the LG ThinQ App. 
  2. Set Up Your Account. Create an account or log in to the app. Ensure that your LG DualCool air conditioner is connected to the Wi-Fi network.
  3. Connect Your Air Conditioner. Add your LG air conditioner to the app by following the prompts. Make sure your device is in pairing mode.
  4. Access the kW Manager. Once your air conditioner is connected, navigate to the kW Manager feature within the app. Here, you can set your desired energy usage targets.
  5. Set Your Targets. Specify the maximum kW usage you want your air conditioner to consume during specific time frames. This feature enables you to avoid exceeding your budget and helps you manage your electricity bills proactively.
  6. Monitor Your Usage. Keep track of your energy consumption in real-time through the app. You can easily adjust settings as needed to stay on track.


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