SBF to shorten breeding cycle of rice seeds

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The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) earlier this month inaugurated a speed breed facility (SBF) in its headquarters in Los Baños, Laguna which is expected to shorten the breeding cycle for increased efficiency and productivity of rice seeds.

The facility, targeted for completion by March next year, will also enhance genetic gains of rice seeds.

The facility will occupy 587 square meters of space for a capacity of 120,000 plants. It will shorten the turnaround time for rapid generation advancement by targeting 4 to 5 generations in a year.

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The SBP will be equipped with an advanced automated irrigation and control system and interconnected chambers to ensure improved reliability, precision, quality, environmental consistency and water efficiency in the breeding process.

IRRI said the facility will prioritize sustainability by utilizing electricity from solar technology.

A midterm evaluation report conducted by the IRRI on the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF) showed the seeds component of the fund has an overall high level of efficiency in meeting its goals and relevance for individual farmers.

The report cited the need to fully tap the Registry System for Basic Sectors in Agriculture (RSBSA) so that more fatmers will benefit from the seed distribution. RSBSA is part of the minimum requirement to obtain certified seeds through RCEF.

As of March 2022, there were 5.45 million farmers, fishers and farm workers registered under the RSBSA.

The report noted that despite the 95 to 97 percent utilization rate of certified seeds that farmers received from the RCEF seed component, the Philippine Rice Research Institute confirmed 3 to 5 percent of farmers received their seeds late.


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