The government granted the first mineral production sharing agreement (MPSA) after the lifting of the moratorium on new mining deals.
DENR, through the Mines and Geosciences Bureau, said the national government granted a MPSA to Semirara Mining and Power Corp. (SMPC) on March 10, for the Hamalian limestone project covering 3,807.0571 hectares contract area situated in Semirara Island, Caluya, Antique.
The MPSA grants SMPC the exclusive right to immediately undertake mining operations for 25 years renewable for another 25.
Executive Order (EO) 130 lifted the moratorium on new mining deals and mandated the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to formulate terms and conditions in new mineral agreements that can maximize government revenues and share.
Meanwhile, the Chamber of Mines of the Philippines (COMP) 13 new accredited verification service providers (VSPs) will review the performance ratings of the group’s members following the measurement tools prescribed by the Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) program.
Michael Toledo, COMP chairman, said the VSPs are experienced independent experts in social, environmental as well as mining and other related sciences which will apply the TSM protocols.
“Where required, the VSPs can change companies’ self-assessed ratings to ensure they accurately reflect the mining operations’ management practices and performance,” Toledo said.
TSM is a set of indicators to drive the performance of operating mines and ensure key mining risks are managed responsibly and best practices are used at members’ facilities.
Other countries that have adopted TSM are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Botswana, Canada, Colombia, Finland, Norway and Spain.
Among TSM’s main protocols involve safety and health; community and indigenous peoples engagement; crisis management and communications; prevention of child and forced labor; tailings management; water management; biodiversity conservation management; and climate change. – Jed Macapagal