The Asean Techno-Fashion Exposition held early this month brought together designers, scientists, and technology innovators to create a harmonious fusion of esthetics and cutting-edge technology in textile and fashion.
Hosted in Bohol by the Department of Science and Technology’s Philippine Textile Research Institute (PTRI), the expo weaved a seamless intertwine of innovation, arts, and the rich culture of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean).
The Exposition was held along with the 84th Asean Committee on Science, Technology, and Innovation meeting attended by delegates from Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and the Philippines.
PTRI research and development was showcased: collections of textile materials, weaves, traditional wears, and innovative textiles.
Philippine textiles featured eco-friendly fashion solutions that use sustainable materials and production methods such as fibers from pineapple, banana, abaca, silk, and bamboo that align with sustainability goals and promote responsible fashion practices.
Local brands that adopted PTRI technologies were featured: BAYO Dyes, a homegrown brand which adopted PTRI’s natural dyes technology; AIRE a brand that adopted technologies converting natural fibers into wearable yarns and now available online; the BAYO x SEDA Pilipinas collection of wearable pieces made of Philippine silk; and the KatHABI Haute Culture Collection of handlooms weaving textile products made by Filipino indigenous communities.
Asean member-states showcased traditional clothes such as Baju Melayu bergulambir from Brunei; batik and sarung from Indonesia; kurta and samfoo from Malaysia; Chong Kraben from Thailand; and longyi from Myanmar for both men and women.