DBM approves release of P4B for tertiary education

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The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has approved a special allotment release order amounting to P3.84 billion as additional funding for the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education-Tertiary Education Subsidy (UAQTE-TES) under the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).

In a statement, the DBM said with the release of additional funding, around 141,000 eligible tertiary education students are assured of free or subsidized tuition fees.

“This will lighten the burden on their shoulders. DBM will ensure that this program will continue to get the funding it rightfully deserves,” Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman said.

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The amount released shall cover the payables of CHED to various private higher education institutions in municipalities and cities with no state universities and colleges and no local universities and colleges, under the UAQTE-TES for academic year 2021-2022.


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