MAJORITY of Filipino mobile users demand total protection in mobile apps against security fraud and for their privacy, according to the latest study of Appdome, a one-stop shop for mobile app defense.
Based on Appdome’s 4th Annual Philippines consumer survey of mobile app security, 97.5 percent of Filipino consumers demand total protection in mobile apps including mobile app data, account integrity, login, data storage and data in transit, as well as protection from malware and fraud.
The survey showed 87.5 percent of Filipino consumers demand that brands proactively prevent mobile fraud from happening rather than reimburse them post-fraud.
Several upward trends are revealed in the 2024 data, including consumers’ use of mobile apps, their awareness of mobile attack vectors, the growing expectation of protection in apps and consumers’ willingness to be brand advocates if protected.
The study also said 54.7 percent of Filipino consumers use mobile applications more than web, dwarfing preference. Furthermore, 74.2 percent said their use of mobile apps has increased over the last 12 months.
Over 67 percent of Filipino consumers are concerned about hacking while 42.4 percent fear mobile fraud.
The survey reveals a crucial opportunity for mobile brands in the Philippines to stand out by prioritizing mobile app security and creating a better user experience when attacks happen, Appdome said.
“Cyber professionals work tirelessly to keep applications, networks, transactions, and users safe while Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other attacks increase,” Tom Tovar, Appdome co-creator and chief executive officer, said in a statement.
“Filipino consumers continue their march upward in recognizing the importance of this work and it’s clear that they overwhelmingly support a broadening cyber, anti-fraud, anti-malware, anti-bot mandate, and higher OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) standard, inside brand and enterprise mobile apps everywhere,” Tovar added.
Meanwhile, 97.5 percent – the highest level ever – of respondents said they will become brand advocates for mobile brands that protect their apps and use.
More than half or 56 percent said they would use the highest forms of advocacy, such as app store reviews or social media endorsements.
On the other hand, 76 percent of respondents said they would abandon a mobile brand for failing to protect their app and use.
“It’s clear that consumers are taking mobile brand promises and the emerging threat of AI attacks seriously,” said Alan Bavosa, Appdome vice president of security products.
“AI-based attacks will take mobile app risks to a new level, and mobile brands and enterprises need to change their cyber delivery models to meet the accelerating threat head on and maintain user trust and engagement on mobile platforms,” he added.
To create the 2024 survey, Appdome partnered with OWASP.
The 2024 Philippines survey data adds to the more than 120,000 consumer voices gathered from 12 countries over the past four years, making the Appdome Global Consumer Survey the largest single collection of consumer data on mobile app security, privacy, anti-fraud and other attack vectors.