The government looking for ways to ensure the implementation of the Universal Health Care (UHC) law and address funding challenges amid the coronavirus pandemic, the Department of Finance (DOF) said.
Carlos Dominguez, DOF secretary, was asked in a Viber group with reporters yesterday for his reaction on the Philippine Health Insurance Corp.’s (PhilHealth) recommendation for a general delay in the implementation of the UHC.
Ricardo Morales, PhilHealth president and chief executive officer, made the recommendation during the virtual congressional oversight meeting on the UHC law Tuesday, amid low collections of contributions.
Dominguez however said the government will push through with the implementation of the UHC.
“We are currently discussing with PhilHealth and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) on how to address funding challenges and ensure continued implementation of UHC,” Dominguez said.
“The government is committed to UHC particularly to ensure access of our most vulnerable groups to much needed health care especially during this difficult time,” he added.
The Department of Health is proposing a P182 billion budget for the implementation of the UHC law next year.
The DBM earlier said the 2021 budget aims to sustain funding for the implementation of the UHC law.